I can't get over how much my heart is
I just 100love it here so much and being
a missionary.
Can't really vocalize it, but know I'm
100happy here.
Here's my "100 Miracle list" for the
This week here's what went down:
15 meeting tev at jimmy g's steak and
him meeting us at the temple site for a return appointment!
16 stopping by Karen. Who came down
stairs with her swollen ankle! Showed because of him and got a return
appointment:) new investigator! She wants us to teach her!
17 sang "I need thee every hour" to Gary
the septa subway worker while waiting for the subway. Softened his heart and got
his #
18 had some sisters emergency/doubled
into our area...never ending adventures and craze.
19 finally found a Parking spot after
circling the streets and one ways for seriously I kid you not for 45 minutes and
many prayers later.
20 finally found our car where we parked
after walking and running around with all their stuff for also 45 minutes the
next day many prayers and wandering later.
21 exchange with sister cox(: met DJ
frosty! Aka Mike spiker. He was painting up a mural that got graffitied, and we
helped him paint!! YEAH I Tagged a building in Philly :) see picture
22 met pan! AN ASIAN! Return appointment
:) one of our goals for the transfer. Teach an Asian.
23 Melissa (sis Anton's friend) wants us
to come have lunch with her. Perfect timing, as were walking out of sister
antons home after just talking about how much Melissa would benefit from meeting
with us...she's outside! So I run over and I'm like hey Melissa! She was so
happy to see us and walked us to our bus stop. She loves us:)
24 met shantell (sister jolley's kindred
spirit) on the subway. Way too nice and loves us.
25 Jack restoration lesson!! So
prepared:) with Morgan's. His baptism will be in March!!!!!!!!!
26 caught the bus just in time...after
running like mad To not miss it.
27 didn't get hit by a bus....it honked
and we noticed it.
28 Jack, joel, tatyana and Terrance were
all at church!!!
29 more than 60% of standards of
excellence hit This week
Referencing 25----->
Originally we had met him at dunkin
donuts and he was so impressed by sister jolley and I by the way we talked and
were dressed. #recognizedasrepresentativesofchrist
Then we met with him like 2 days ago.
Taught the restoration. He agreed with everything and is getting baptized in
March! And he came to church the next day(: I love being a missionary.
Referencing 23---->
Perfect timing!
Sister antons friend Melissa is having a
really hard time and sister anton before we left told us all about it, and I
just felt super prompted and urged that she really needs us to go talk to her.
Sister anton assured us she wouldn't like us to go over, so I was praying after
we were getting out the door somehow we'd see her or something. And as we walked
out I looked over towards where she lives AND THERE SHE WAS!!!!! I like ran over
and was like hey Melissa! And she was like hey and was super happy to see us.
She even walked us over to our bus stop and waited with us until it came so we
were able to talk a little. Then sister Anton like 2 days later called us and
told us Melissa wants us to come over! Literally I'm like so happy to help her
and that Heavenly Father is just allowing me and sister jolley to be his hands
and go around lifting others!
Sister Bennett shout out:
Next Week we'll have PDay on Tuesday
because Monday we'll be having a mission wide conference!!!! Our entire mission
will get together for like the whole day and we'll get 100 good
notes/thoughts/spiritual guidance/pep talks/callstorepentance etc...
Stay tuned and I'll share what I
Had a pretty sacred & reassuring
experience while listening to a temple fireside last night.
Super grateful for my Heavenly Father
who is mindful of me and all who I love.
Thanks for keeping me in your
You're in mine.
Sister Manson
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Our graffiti boy
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And sister jolley and I 😍😍😍
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