If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mish Goals

I decided to make some goals and a list of things to remember while I'm on my mission
Here's what I came up with!

PRESS FORWARD & remember:

1. Sister Diederich taught me a few things-
-"make time count. don't count the time"
-"lose yourself in the work"
-"be happy, if you're not happy, you're doing something wrong"
-"look at whose name is right next to yours on your tag"

2. take a lot of pictures..like too many! YOLO.

3. endure to the end..no slacking

4. be Christy! I can still be me while preaching the gospel

5. be exactly obedient..OBEY.OBEY.OBEY.

6. really LISTEN to the holy ghost

7. my attitude is a choice..so choose a good one! i.e. don't complain

8. i'll love the CRAP out of my companions, (even if they are the complete opposite of me, really weird and don't laugh or get my jokes....) and everyone I meet

9. don't look forward to stuff..live in the present MOMENT. Sometimes I get too busy looking forward to things to come that I end up missing out on the stuff happening right NOW.

10. enjoy everyday..even the rough ones

11. give it all you got, work hard! all day..ERRYDAY  ---> GIVE EM HEAVEN!!

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