If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life Lessons....T-Minus-o Uno Month-o!

Thank you Heavenly Father for not making me learn Spanish because it consists of me just adding "O" to the end of every word..yay-o for-o ENGLISH-O! I've got that language down pretty good--I mean well. 

Ahhhhhhhh well dudes I have EXACTLY one month from today until I'm outta here, which means I will be doing nothing except staying up super late, watching and listening to all of my favorite movies and music, swimming, reading my scriptures and PMG like crazy, shopping for cute missionary clothes, saying goodbye to my jeans and favorite V-necks..

These past months I have learned some very important life lessons....the hard way. 

**Don't judge me** 

Lesson #1

I totally and legitimately showed up to the airport 20 minutes before my airplane left to catch my VERY IMPORTANT flight (that weekend I was going through the Temple for the first time) .....apparently you have to arrive like 2 hours before your flight leaves to make sure you get through security and all that stuff. I didn't know that so my roommate (let's call her Mandi W. no no M. Wright) and I messed around at the mall and ate at Chick-fil-A instead of getting to the airport early..

Tooootally my fault. 

I ended up missing my flight but was able to work things out so I could fly out the next morning, sooooooo I was still able to make it to the temple (: $180 later...

Lesson learned: BE EARLY. (good thing I learned that then instead of later by missing my flight to the MTC...) 

Lesson #2

This actually happened just last week. All my siblings, plus our dog flew from Utah to North Carolina. Our flight left at 1am and we got to NC around 9am because of the time change and we had an hour layover in Georgia. I slept for like 3 hours that day and that was it...I was exhausted. So after getting all our luggage I was ready to just go home and sleep, but we had to get a rental car so we could fit all our luggage in. My dad got one but all of our stuff didn't fit, so we had to wait to get a bigger car. All in all we ended up spending 5 more hours in the airport waiting to get all of this figured out, and I pretty much complained and had a bad attitude the whole time..but my dad sensing I needed an attitude adjustment pulled me aside and gave me a niiiiiiiiiice long pep/advice talk (I'm really going to miss those, he always knows what to say) Soo he basically told me to stop complaining but in a really nice way haha, because it affects everyone else's attitude and that I need to make the best of every situation. He wasn't complaining or getting frustrated even though he had been working a ton and got little sleep that day too. 

Lesson learned: Your attitude is a choice. I can choose to be frustrated and complain orrrrrrrrrrr I can choose to look at the better things that are happening. I know this will be a very important concept to learn and master while I'm serving my mission, thanks for teaching it to me now! 

Haha learn from my poor choices. 

You guys better write all the time and keep me updated on my loves Taylor Swift, and Pretty Little Liars (if you find out who A is or something crazy happens while I'm gone..DO NOT TELL ME!!!!)

Cool facts about my mish!

Cool fact #1 (
Kalie my H.K. is gonna love this one)
Taylor Swift grew up in a small town called Wyomissing and it just happens to be in my mission!! Yay! (;

Cool fact #2

There's tons of Amish people! I must meet one.

Cool fact #3

Pretty Little Liars is based in a town near Philadelphia, and you all know how much I love my PLL. 

Cool fact #4

There's some cool German and Dutch cities/towns all around. My mom's from Germany so that's pretty cool! 

Cool fact #5

My mission covers 4 different states. East side of Pennsylvania, parts of Maryland, all of Delaware, and parts of New Jersey. 

These are like all of my favorite things! It just shows and gives me a stronger testimony of how serving in Pennsylvania, is totally meant for me, and is what I need to be doing right now in my life. I'm sure I'll discover even cooler more important reasons why I was called to serve here.

I'm grateful for my call and being able to serve the Lord for the next 18 months. 

YouTube Carli Barlow's super awesome missionary song called 2 Years and try not to cry like I did..be inspired, and feel the spirit!! #GoMissionaries

"2 years [18 months] is a time for me to give back, for I owe each breath that I breathe. It's only a small thing when you look at eternity...I know it's the right thing, and I'll miss you dearly"

I'm way excited to serve in PHILLY!!

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