If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Sunday, September 15, 2013

MTC life

My MTC experience has consisted of the following:
Countless jolly ranchers
Waking up every single day at or before 6:30 (you should be proud!!)
Not being able to see my knees
Feeling the spirit 24/7
Filled with happiness
Refraining from calling my companion dude
Forgetting I have a first name
Waking up tired
Sitting & eating...sitting & eating...sitting & eating....
Teaching investigators
Laughing and crying with Sister Steadman
Pulling pranks on Sister Cox, Reyes and the Elders
Having no sense of time of what day it is
Complaining how taking selfies with a camera isn't the same as my iPhone

Hahaha...okay some of those were ridiculous, but I am seriously way bummed to leave! I'm gonna miss my Zone, District, and especially my comp...she's become my best friend!!!!

It's pretty cool I've never been able to speak by the spirit until now! All my church talks sucked...but now I don't even know what I'm saying but somehow it makes sense and sounds good! Increases my testimony that I am called of God and really am set apart as a MISSIONARY.

Me and Sister Steadman like to refer to ourselves as "Sister Steadmanson" hahahahahha

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