If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It felt like yesterday I got my mission call, and now today is my last day before being a missionary for a year and a half. I remember my wait being in the triple digits, and now my countdown says "1" ahhhh..


It's kinda crazy when I actually think about it! So I've been trying to not think about it too hard so I don't have a breakdown and freak out, hahaha.

We spent my last weekend in Georgia visiting my family, and I had so much fun! We went to the beach and went fishing and did other fun stuff. I have so many bug bites on my legs and arms though..it's really gross. 

Sooooo be grateful you didn't have to sit and READ a Chinese subtitled movie about Kung Fu for 2 hours like I did last night...against my will! My dad and my brothers forced me to watch it, and I just realized that this horrible awful movie I watched will be the last movie I'll see for a year and a half!!! hahaha worst movie ever. I had no idea what was going on. But we did get sushi before sooo you could say... #IWasBribed 

Haha at least it'll make for a funny memory.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to fit my life and everything I need for 18 months in only 3 suitcases! I'm starting to pack right now, and I don't even know where to start! #IHaveSoMuchCRAP haha story of my life....

Goodbye to my first name, iPhone, Haley's/Carolyn's/Kalie's hilarious videos, Instagram, Facebook, Taylor Swift, Pretty Little Liars, Big Brother, my laptop, short running shorts, swimming, Snapchats, my family, staying up late, sleeping in, lazy-pajama-no-make-up days, midnight movie premiers, the Hunger Games, Netflix, my friends, BYUI, music, my inappropriate jokes, headphones, fun singles wards, North Carolina/Arizona/Idaho. 

Hello to SISTER MANSON, the MTC, crazy&awesome companions, 30 minute morning workouts, community showers, bunk-beds, my new best friend --> Preach My Gospel, communicating to the outside world via letters and emails, serving the Lord, memorizing all the hymns, journal writing, living out of 3 suitcases, taking selfies.....with a camera, wearing a name tag, blogging, sharing the gospel, verrrrry appropriate jokes, wearing church clothes all day ERRYDAY, reading the BOM, waking up everyday at 6:30am &going to bed at 10:30pm, amish living, the snow, Utah/PHILADELPHIA!!

I'm so excited to start my adventure of being a sister missionary! I know it'll be hard, but so worth it! I know my Heavenly Father will help me get through everything and be with me as I share the gospel to my brothers and sisters in philly!! When will I ever be able to serve the Lord like this?? Uhh probably never. I made it a goal to not slack off, and to keep pushing forward because I've been called to serve, and I will serve the Lord and Philadelphia.

Philly I'm coming for youuu because THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!

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