If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, November 3, 2014

D&C 121:7-8 and Lesson #22 from Raking Leaves

Know this faces misses you guys!!! :)

This will be a good email because I started back to writing in my journal every night.
I haven't been doing that in a while...but it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY.

When I take the time to write and think about what happened at the end of everyday, I remember all of the good things and crazy and hard things. But mostly the good(: It's interesting as a missionary...I know that I have had really really really tough times on my mission, but honestly I can't remember them. But I remember every single good moment. It's like the bad ones don't even matter, and D&C121:7-8 is TRUE. They are for but a small moment, so endure it well!!

Frank...elder manson leaves the MTC tomorrow! And goes off to californiaaaaaa(: wooo!

First of all..it's FALL! And it's bitter cold over here. Literally I am freezing and it hasn't even snowed...so idk how I'll hold up this winter. I've been layering my clothes like crazy!
Heres what went down this week: we raked some leaves...walked around...raked more leaves..walked around...raked leaves...the end.

Haha but seriously though we raked like 38,927,321 leaves this past week. #somanyleaves
And met some cool people along the way(:
We seriously met a gangster!! In the middle of morrisville (pretty nice area) haha I was dying. So funny. He was so impressed that we wanted to rake leaves for free and suggested that we go to his moms home. So we walked a couple blocks up the road and raked it. A couple mins after we start taking his moms house he shows up on his bike and was like "you girls are serious!?" And gives us water because for some strange reason it was freakishly hot that day..70s.
I love raking leaves!! Maybe it's because I never had to do it growing up so I don't view it as a chore..but it's awesome and I think of so many life analogies from it. This women's yard we raked was so big! I am grateful there's 3 of us or else we would have been there for a long time...I would say it was about 1/2 or a 1/3 of an acre, something along those lines. But it's awesome being able to first look at the yard covered with leaves and then look at it at the end and see how much work you did and how good it looks. It's a lot like life! Life sucks and is hard most of the time..as we start to work hard it's easy to look and see how much we have left! But we keep going and enduring and pressing forward. Then we get to the end of our trial and see how good it has made us(: #lessonsfromrakingleaves good stuff!!

Some sketchy stuff went down as it looked like he was breaking into his "moms house"
Haha hope we didn't witness or enable a crime...apparently he's a 9/11 survivor and almost stripped his clothing to show us some gang signs he has branded onto his shoulder.

Good stuff (:
A member of the Ward gave us this HUGE fruit platter and we kept it in our fridge and pulled it out to eat during the day. Well we only had it for like 2 days and as I putting it back into the fridge....I DROPPED IT! And all the 100 pieces of sticky fruit fell onto the ground...hahahah all I could do was laugh it off so I wouldn't get upset. So sister hall helped me clean it up quickly (sister handy was taking a shower) and I was like don't tell sister handy!!! Haha well like 2 days pass and sister handy's like where's the fruit?? And me and sister hall just look at each other and start laughing and explain what happened....sometimes you just gotta laugh it off.

We had a good lesson with our investigator karina about prophets and she came to church yesterday!! =happiness when that happens.

Sister handy had a random thought to go wash one of the members car one morning. And I was like uhhhh it's freezing!! But we did it anyways and it was so cool what happened.
{Side note:always listen to the spirit and ACT}
We surprised her and she was so happy&tearful and shared that the night before she was wanting to go get her car washed but ran out of time getting everything else done. And then we shows up the next day :) love it when that happens. When the spirit uses US as tools and instruments in helping others exactly when they need it. I've had so many experiences like that on my mission. After we washed her car, we noticed her next door neighbor was standing outside and we asked if we could wash hers too. She was supposed we asked but said yes. She had a U of A sticker on the back of her car which made me so happy seeing because I never see anything about arizona out here. I told her I was from AZ and we talked about that for alittle bit. We washed her car and left her a note quoting mosiah 2:17
Service softens hearts.

We got our car back...finally!!! We were without it for 11 days.....that was a wee bit frustrating and difficult. But we dealt with it and it was "but a small moment" got it back on Halloween. We went to the shop and he said it would be another 30 mins so we were with a member and she decided to go to the dollar store and pick up some stuff. Coolest thing happened. #rightplacerighttime
We were checking out and there was a family in front of us. I noticed on her neck there was this sweet butterfly tattoo. Something I love doing is talking to people about their tattoos :) so I was like hey I really like your tattoo! And she smiled and said thanks and saw my name tag and then looked at me and asked if I was a mormon. I said yes! I'm a missionary. She was so happy and shared that she used to have missionaries in her home but they had gone away and lost contact with her and the church. So I got all her info and am going to get missionaries to go see her (since she lives out of our area) that was such a humbling experience to see Heavenly Father helping and loving her by having us meet and help her find the gospel again. #thechurchistrue

Fast Sunday's are always the best. Whenever I fast I feel the sprint more stronger than I normally do. Here are some quotes from testimony meeting:
"When the unexpected happens, you're still in control. I can still control my thoughts, actions, words, and behavior."
"The Savior IS."
"Sweet is the peace the gospel brings"

Had a good relief society lesson yesterday.
All about the organization of the relief society and the member who taught it-sister Chatfield- used my picture I drew for her :) #small&simplethings and scanned it and made small copies of it for everyone. That was pretty cool. I just love drawing and painting quotes like that. It helps me keep sane in the mission world haha. 

Quote of the week
"The decision to retire, is the decision to die!!"

For Halloween I was a sister missionary :)
Love you!


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