If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, January 12, 2015

"either 12"

Hahahah oh this week...I don't even know what happened.

Let's just say I am really happy today is PDay.
Remember when we were little and we went to the body world place??
Where this science place had a bunch of dead bodies to look at and see
as art? Well they have something similar here in philly that were
doing to today! EXCEPT ITS WITH ANIMALS! Stay tuned for pics next
I pray there's a giraffe there.

The week started out great though! Haha and then we just crashed and
burned hecka bad.

We have been teaching sister change temple prep and helping her be
ready for January 31!

Out investigators joel and tatyana accepted a baptism date! In
February and April! So that's amazing.

Sister menlove sent me the best talk in the whole wide world that
changed my life.
Everyone go read "the atonement:all for all" by elder Bruce c. hafen

Taught me so much about the atonement and what it means. That's
probably the best thing about my mission...I've learned so much about
the atonement and what it means and how to access it. And really feel
it's REAL power that comes into our lives as we live the gospel of
Jesus Christ, by having faith, repenting and changing, remembering and
renewing our covenants by the sacrament and going to the temple and
continuing to do all of these things to the end!

Had a great district meeting. Really powerful and felt the spirit.
During our Roleplay, I did with sister Bailey, and some other
missionaries. We were to not think about what to say but say what
christ would say to them if he were here. Totally changed my
perspective. I remember looking into each of their eyes and really
feeling and knowing that Jesus Christ knew and loved them personally
and things just came to my mind that I would say, trusting it was what
they needed to hear. Lifechanging. I just freaking love being a

Sister Bennett cracks me up everyday but she gets a particular
shoutout right now.
We wanted our investigators to read a Ether 12 in the Book of Mormon,
and she spelt it as EITHER 12!!! Hahahah. We had another lesson with
them to follow up and they were confused and couldn't find either 12
in the Book of Mormon...I laughed so hard. Next time I'll be sure to
check what she writes down for them haha. Good times.

Had a crazy lesson with a wanna-be pologomist who wanted to marry BOTH
me and sister Bennett hahaha.
So many people yelled and flipped me off this week while I was in the
car..it was very rude of them haha these Philadelphians are one of a
Saw a cool sign that said: "DRIVE CAREPHILLY"
I died!
Sister Bennett accidentally drove down twice the wrong way in a one
way street...haha we got even more yells and honks. Almost all of our
appointment canceled from like Friday to Sunday. That's always a
bummer when that happens..

And scariest moment of my life!! Are you ready?
We rode the subway home from church and
I get off at our stop and sister Bennett DOES NOT!
So I'm now left alone in the creepy dark subway while she rides off to
the next stop.
First missionary rule they teach you in the MTC: never be alone!
All I can do is just laugh at the situation and I just sit there
trying to decide how the heck we're going to get back together. I said
100 prayers and read some comforting scriptures to keep myself calm
and then the next train pulled up so I got on it and thought to get
off at the next stop thinking sister Bennett would have gotten off and
just waited for me. I get off at the next stop and she's not there!
Ahh by this time I've majorly freaking out, but knew Heavenly Father
would help me. I crossed over and got to the other side of the subway
to go back up to our original stop to see if she went back to get me
instead. I got there and didn't see her. I had the thought to just get
up and out of the subway on the street and look at the phone (our
phone doesn't get signal in the subway) so I did that and I had a
missed call from an unknown number. I immediately called and it was
sister Bennett on the other side! Told each other where we were and we
were reunited.

Good news we were both safe and reunited.
Lesson learned. So grateful for companions.
I don't think I'll be able to handle being alone for a while when I go home!
So sorry not sorry if I cling to some of y'all :)
I of course immediately thought of 100 gospel parables that can be
related to this story. I'll leave it to you to think of them:) and
learn from my experience.

I have good goals set up before the end of my mission.
To read the Book of Mormon over again and read the New Testament. I
just want to learn and study everything I can about Jesus Christ.
Studying more deep charity also.

I honestly have never been happier in my whole life. Being out here as
a literal representative of Christ. Bad days or even whole weeks
come..but I still have such a deep amount of joy it doesn't even phase

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