If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, January 26, 2015

Joy Cometh in the Morning

Sister Bennett and I were super sick and stayed in allllll day on Friday. Flu/cold stuff going on around here. This one member knew we were sick and came and dropped off donuts! Nicest thing ever. They were Amish donuts too so even better. 
Do you want to hear the worst news ever??
I lost my scriptures....on the subway!
I must have left them on the seat as I got off at my stop. 
They're 100% gone.
Ugh it's horrible. Those were like my one and only prized possession out here! 
It's okay..its a good reminder when I die I can't take anything with me anyways, just my brain filled with the things I learned from the scriptures haha. 

This is sister Bennetts last week as a missionary. Ah it's so weird..then after this week it's my last transfer. I don't know where time is going.

Also sister Chang is going through the temple in February instead, not sure on the exact date but I think I'll still be able to go:) 

But this will probably be my last area which I am totally 100% fine with. I love this city so much. It feels like a dream that I get to be where I am every morning.
I know I say this like every time..but I am just not who I was before my mission! Like so much not even close. It'll be interesting to come back and see how everything works out. I read one of my new favorite talks called "joy cometh in the morning"  by elder Nelson.
It's so good and I love the scripture it's based on:
Psalms 30:5
"Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning"
JOY ALWAYS COMES. And sometimes we need to go through trials and bad days because those are what stretches us to be ready to feel happiness or joy more deeper. I am a firm believer of that. 
"The gospel of Jesus Christ...declares joy to be part of our divine destiny. And to experience joy in the morning becomes our special challenge. The true test" —Elder Nelson
I'm working on finalizing my last goals for my last transfer starting next week. Crazy how fast everything goes. I've had some very cool and spiritual experiences come from "praying like I've never prayed before" there's a big difference than praying/going through the motions and actually communicating and petitioning our Heavenly Father for help guidance and gratitude. 
I've been really praying to Heavenly Father asking him why I'm here in this specific area. And we had a very tender experience with a member as she was talking to us about a lot of her concerns about the gospel and sister Bennett and I were able to share very simple but very powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the church. A moment on my mission I will never forget.
I hope everything is going well for you all :)
Stay warm and share the gospel.

Love sister Manson 

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