If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Be like the Moon

Good ole P-days......I am already getting sick of them and it's only like my 7th one hahaha..
We just washed our car, and I wish all of you could see us! hahahah it's the most funniest thing ever. Okay picture this..

3 blondes washing a car..in skirts! We only have like 4 minutes to do it because that's how much we pay for, so we're like running around scrubbing it with soap then hurrying to rinse it off...it's pretty hilarious. And we don't pay to for air because we're cheap so we just drive really fast to dry it off. hahaha good times..maybe I'll take a video next time and send it haha...
So all this week my companions FORCED me to be in charge of the phone because I have a legit fear of talking on the phone and I always sound really dumb and awkward talking on the phone...so I was the only one allowed to answer the phone when someone called and to call people...I'm pretty good at talking on the phone now haha.
We had PIZZA at member's houses like 3 times this week. It's my weakness so I was in heavennnnnn.
Last week we got a phone call from a woman who felt the prompting to start going back to church!! It made me so happy! She actually came to church yesterday and we scheduled to meet her this Wednesday to get to know her better! It's really something special to see and help people start coming back to church and getting a more Christ centered life. I love it! One of my favorite reasons about being a missionary.
We listen to this song called Starry Night. The lyrics are:
"I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the moon reflect the sun. Every starry night that was His design"
Which got me thinking about the moon. How it shines because the sun does..
I want to be like the moon!! haha but reflecting a different sun...the SON. Jesus Christ! I want my life to be a reflection of Him and strive everyday to be more like Him.
I drove for the first time last week...hahaha let's just say it's been awhile since the last time I drove a car (like 2 months)
It felt like I was driving for the first time again! haha here's what went down that day:
Jerky stopping and going
Hard stops
I hit a curb..
I drove like 10 miles under the speed limit
Almost backed up into a car
I couldn't even get the car into drive!! haha my comp had to do that for me... my car I just had to pull it down from P to D. This one you have to go sideways and then down..haha too complicated for me.
It's a nice car though...you know just a BRAND NEW 2014 Toyota Corolla(;
The pluses of being a sister missionary...we're way more spoiled than the Elders. The Elders didn't even get mattresses until like a week and a half after they got here....#PoorElders....haha I'm just grateful I'm a sister!

We visit this super old lady and she's going blind. I put my face really close to hers so she can see me better and I tell her my name "I'm Sister Manson!" haha so I introduce myself to her, and she grabs my face! and starts stroking it and saying how pretty I am hahahaha it was so funny and awkward and a little sad because she's going blind and can't see! She's pretty funny though...she flipped us off like 3 times(jokingly) and said a bunch of bad words......
hahah go old people..
I officially completed my first transfer!! (a transfer is 6 weeks) 1 out of 13 (: haha
My trainer sister howard is getting transferred.. which stinks because I love our power trio! We go to the mission office tomorrow in Pennsylvania to find out where she's going. Haha she taught me so much, and I'm so grateful for her for being that leader and example for me to follow. "Fake it till you make it!" is something she'd always say hahaha
Yesterday one of our investigators who we've been working with came to church with his family! It was really out of the blue and he wants to stop smoking so he got a Priesthood blessing to help him. We were all so happy and I can't explain it but it's just a really special feeling seeing someone start that path towards Christ. I love having that privilege to help all these people and to share the gospel with them.
A really powerful quote I read in PMG:
"Honor Christ's name by your actions"

Hope Dad had a good birthday! (:
love and miss everybody
sister manson
cute lil tree
cute lil tree
one of our investigators! 

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