If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Birthday Brownies

I've been getting pretty frustrated with myself lately...I want to be a good missionary so bad, but I'm such a bad teacher! haha no like seriously....It's really hard. But I'm getting better at teaching and helping people understand more about our Savior Jesus Christ. It'll come with time! And really when it comes down to it..I'm not even the real teacher here..the SPIRIT is!! So that takes a lot of pressure off of me.

Like 2 weeks ago my companions and I decided to celebrate all of our birthdays because transfers were coming soon (a transfer is at the end of every 6 weeks, we get a phone call telling us who stays in the area and who is going somewhere else. this is my first area so I probably won't get transferred yet, but you never know!) So yeah we wanted to celebrate all our birthdays before one of us left. Mine was last Saturday! And the Elders in our District legit thought it was my birthday and so they made me brownies!!!! hahahaha I felt so bad, but I quickly pushed that feeling away and accepted the brownies......they were really good hahahahhaha. #DontJudge

Soooo...hahaha we were walking out of an old person home because we visited one of our members room because she was sick, and this cute little old man was sitting on a chair. He saw us and quickly jumped out of his chair and hobbled on over to us. He shook Sister Howard's hand, smiled and kissed it. Then he looks at me and sticks out his hand, so I shake it expecting him to kiss my hand.....hahaha NO. I thought wrong. He shakes my hand and starts LEANING IN towards my face!!!!! I'm like Ahhhh! What do I do?? I tried to change it into a hug, but he still ended up kissing me on my cheek. hahaha goood times in the old person home....

Ew...Delaney is 15! Stop getting older little sister it's killing me!

The other day we went into Walmart, and it was my first time in a Walmart since leaving on my mission. hahaha I had a freaking PANIC ATTACK. I'm not joking. I literally had a panic attack. #SoManyWorldlyThings!!!
My girl Miley Cyrus's new CD was out...new movies on DVD...crazy celeb gossip magazines...duck dynasty merchandise...ugh. So hard. I miss all of that stuff!! But it's okay...whatevz..I'm over it!

But seriously never going back into a Walmart again until I get home from my mission.....

haha oh jeez I'm so weird..
One of our investigators got baptized yesterday!!! She's so cute!
1st of all she's a 70 year old lady!
2nd of all she's deathly afraid of swimming/water
It took her at least a good 12 minutes of her trying to lean backwards, and trusting in the person baptizing her that she wouldn't fall. we kept encouraging her saying it'd be okay, and that she could do it. She was really scared...but she did it! We were all so proud and happy for her!

We spent a good 7 hours in the church building that day...hahaha good time.s.

We went over to a less active member's home to watch a movie about Joseph Smith. We're about 12 minutes into it when she all of a sudden pops up out of her chair and runs into the kitchen and says to us she wants hot chocolate, and asks if we want any. haha we're like sure! uhh should we pause the movie? I'm pretty confident she has A.D.D. because she does random stuff like that all the time haha she's awesome though. It's entertaining (;

A member in the church talked about ALL 3 things that should NEVER be spoken over the pulpit during sacrament meeting...
1. Women holding the Priesthood
2. Blacks and the Priesthood
3. Polygamy

hahaha I just sat there cringing and trying hard to not freak out in front of everyone...

Then a couple days ago another member of the church was telling our investigator how some people who weren't righteous enough will get to clean up dog poop in heaven.....I'm like are you joking??? hahahaha where did that even come from? IDK. beats me.

Oh how I miss my West Coast Utah/AZ/Idahoe Mormons...

our sweet cute old Etta got baptized yesterday! (:

a GIGANTIC baptism suit!

our sweet cute old Etta got baptized yesterday! (:

my BIRTHDAY BROWNIES!! hahahahaha

some sweet Indian corn!

haha a gross dead frog!

me and Sister Ricks. She's awesome. She knows matt and christy

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