If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Feed My Sheep

My p-day got moved to today instead of yesterday because it was Columbus Day...hahah what a joke! 
First of all: that shouldn't be a real holiday
& Second of all: Columbus didn't even discover America, freaking NEPHI did! Jeez people need to read the BOM and get their facts straightened out. Let's all write a letter to Obama and tell him to change it to Nephi Day. #GetItRightMerica

We decided to walk to some of our potential investigator's houses #BadIdea because we got lost....We were on the right road but the number we were looking for was 113 and all we saw were 1,2,3,4,5....etc finally I saw a woman standing outside her house so while my comps were struggling with the map I went over to her and asked for directions. We started talking and it lead into talking about the church and she wants us to come back and teach her and her family! Yay
One of our investigators quoted the song "Blurred Lines" and how her life related to it......hahahaha..
It's getting cold here already!! It's only October. I'm gonna die! Slow down NJ. Slow dowwwwn. #ArizonaNative 
The leaves are starting to change, it's way pretty! 
What does the sun look like?? IDK I didn't see it all last week, because it rained STRAIGHT for like 4 days
We went over to a member's house and it was the best lesson of my life....hahahahahah alright here's what went down:
They have this cute but crazy puppy named Scorch Meatballs...and in the middle of the lesson (we're reading 3 Ne 11 when Christ came..super spiritual) their dog Scorch runs up to us all 3 sitting on the couch, jumps/climbs/paws his way up onto the couch and sits on Sister Menlove's lap, and then he THROWS UP! On Sister Menlove's skirt!!!! All of us just sit there......Sister Menlove can't even look at it because then she too will puke so she's looking in a different direction, the family's son is over in the corner/on the ground on his hands and knees gagging/dry heaving. I'm like laying on the couch DYING of laughter for my poor comp and just grateful it didn't happen to me. Funniest thing I've ever witnessed in my life. Hahahahhaahahha ahhhh missionary life. good times. good times...
Haley my Whaley I find an excuse to say YOLO at least once every day (; hahaha it makes things more exciting.
I caught myself humming a hymn while taking a shower...ahh I'm so weird. but whatevs, I'm over it. All I listen to is either MoTab, or Christin pop/rock songs hahha. Someone give me an update on my girl Miley! I will always love her, she just needs love...and the gospel (:
RIP Mervin St. Todd.....
Sunday was fast Sunday, and whenever I fast I always feel the spirit 10x stronger. I was fasting for a lot of different things/reasons. Sister Stubbendorf a taught the relief society lesson and it was so good and just what I needed to hear! She gave a BOLD lesson on missionary work and I felt the spirit so strong. I truly am so grateful for this calling, to be a full-time missionary. You won't find joy in working and teaching/sharing the gospel if you don't love it. That got me thinking...do I really love the Gospel? Do I love Jesus Christ ENOUGH to share Him to people I meet?
In the car we were listening to to Elder Holland's talk Feed My Sheep. He based it off of John 21 (go and read this chapter if you haven't because its so good!!) Here's a little gist of it:
Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?"
and Peter says "Yes Lord you know I love you."
Christ "Feed my sheep"
Christ asks Peter the same question again. and again Peter replies "Yes, you know that I love you Lord"
Christ "Feed my sheep"
Then a third time:

17 "Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep."

Christ says he needs to forget about fishing and his old ways because he needs to share the gospel and FEED MY SHEEP.
It's such a blessing and a privilege to serve a mission and invite others to come unto Christ! I decided to take the word "SACRIFICE" out of my vocabulary. I used to always think of missionary work as a "sacrifice"
I'm "sacrificing" my time, schooling, being away from family/friends.....Oh how dumb that sounds now. 
SERVING A MISSION IS NOT A SACRIFICE. It's a blessing. I'm so happy everyday I wake up and get the opportunity to serve others and share the gospel and Christ.
Don't be afraid to share the gospel (:

I love Jesus Christ!! I want to be better everyday. I am representative of Him! 
We all are. 

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