If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Be Still

This week was the best week! I have so much to talk about...
First off we taught 34 lessons this week! out of our goal of 40. We were close haha.

We started last week counting Jeeps, we're up to 158. Gotta keep ourselves entertained in the car...haha.
My companions and I always eat random berries we find on bushes as we walk around different neighborhoods..we haven't died/got poisoned yet so that's good! (;

I'm freezing my butt off over here!! Yesterday it decided to jump down to the 20's! haha not cool New Jersey...not cool. I'm wearing so many layers. It's going against my Arizona nature/way of living. I'm sure it's like still 70 degrees in AZ! </3 #SendMeSomeWarmth
We're having Thanksgiving over at the Sikahema's house this week. I'm so stoked because they make so much good food!!
Last week we had Zone Conference ( a big meeting with a bunch of missionaries) Elder White was talking about being still. and we all took 10-15 seconds to be completely still/quiet. I don't think I've ever felt the spirit so strongly before. Ever since then I try to make it apart of my day to just be still for 10 seconds and try to feel the Spirit. As missionaries we pretty much have the Spirit with us constantly. But when you have something all the time, you tend to get used to it and not recognize it as much. So sometimes I don't really realize that I'm feeling the Spirit. So it's important to pause and to recognize and feel the Spirit.

"Think of the good that comes from broken things: soil is broken to plant wheat. Wheat is broken to make bread. Bread is broken to become the emblems of the sacrament. When on who is repentant partakes of the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, he or she becomes whole"

Sweet quote^

It just SHOCKS me how underdeveloped I was in the gospel/everything that's important before my mission..I cared less about the BOM and didn't even realize how important the role Jesus Christ is in everything. Literally IDK how I went through the last 19 years of my life....but i know it now. I feel like such a different person..

Before my mission I couldn't understand the BOM but now, the BOM makes PERFECT sense to me. I love reading/studying it, and I can actually understand and pull things out from it that I've never been able to see before. I've been studying the Atonement a lot recently, and that topic just blows my mind because it's so deep on so many different levels.

It makes me so sad to see most of these people out here....it seems like everyone we meet with is going through something really hard in their lives right now...marriage problems, going through a divorce, a difficult pregnancy/miscarriages, financial problems, unhappiness, drug issues...etc. It hurts me so bad to hear about all of it, and I just want to take it all away from them and to help all these people out but I can't do anything for them. All I can do is help them feel the comforting feelings from the holy ghost and help them come unto Jesus Christ, because only He can help them.
Literally I'm so grateful to be here...can't even really describe it or put it into words..
Girl sibling+Grownup Boy+Brightest thing in the sky....(Sister Manson) hahaha ahh I crack myself up...
Next Sunday is DECEMBER??? whaaaat? yay. #2014 (;
have a good thanksgiving!! (:
ugh was hunger games good?? :(
me and sister menlove having fun in the car...haha

haha we wore all black Friday because one of the members
 in our ward was turning 50 and didn't want to
 celebrate his bday. so we mourned for him haha (; 

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