If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Surrounded by treeeeeees

All I've been thinking about this week has been all the people and missionaries in the Philippines!! So sad, so many people died..keep them all in your prayers!

This week seemed like it flew by..
This week we're going for 40 lessons! (Usually we teach like 20 a week, so that's doubling it!) We're going to be busy busy busy..but we can do it(:

I gave a talk yesterday on Elder Dube's General Conference talk called "Look Ahead and Believe"
I shared scriptures in Matt 4 and Luke 9. Both showing what people did when Christ asked them to follow Him. Some people told him to wait, others dropped everything they had to put him first. Which made me think about the things I've done in my life and the times where I have either gave up everything or decided to put something else first instead of Christ...but it's important to not beat yourself up about things like that and to not live in the past and to look ahead!

I was sitting on the stand before I gave my talk and just looking around at all the people. They all felt so familiar to me. Everyone here feels familiar and that I've known them forever, even though it's only been like 2 months. Especially all our investigators and less active members we meet with every week. It's crazy how much love that's developed for all the ward members, my companions, our investigators, random people we meet... I'm going to be so sad to leave this area! I finally feel like I know where everything is in my area. We cover like 11 towns and I was so lost my first 6 weeks, haha but I know how to get to places now.

I'm so weird..I make dumb missionary and scripture jokes all the time now, hahaha I think they're hilarious...

Go watch Hunger Games for me!!
And I miss seeing the mountains! We're surrounded by 80 ft tall trees! I can barely see farther than like half a mile in any direction..someone email me a picture of my AZ mountains! I miss them..so many trees here..


An Elder in our District complimented me on my boots I was wearing and told me how attractive they are...and then went on to say how in the missionary handbook that the sister's shoes need to be attractive and that mine were, and told me good job for following the white handbook! I just sat there and was like "....uh thank you?"
hahahaha oh Elders...they kill me. So awkward and weird! It's pretty sad and embarrassing.. #PoorElders

Good times being a sister missionary..

love sister manson
parrot hat haha

read Songs of Solomon 2:12 (;



having too much fun with my companions... (;

Haagen Daz yummy icecream 

Ice cream...#2 weakness

my #1 weakness is PIZZA

#1 weakness..

we found this sweet pizza place! #PastaPizza <3
my favorite superhero! 

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