If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................so yeah this week has been so CRAZY!!! like holy cow crazy..like ahhhh...K.

K soooo...I get to transfers on Thursday. I got to see Sister Steadman and Sister Menlove! I was so happy because I love and miss them so much since I haven't seen them in forever..

So transfer meeting starts...I am on one side of the gym and all the missionaries who were getting new companions were on the other side.
The sister missionaries around me starts to dwindle..and Sister Steadman is still standing there. And I was like.....PLEASE make me companions with Sister Steadman. hahaha but then I was like nahhh...they wouldn't put us back together........K.
Anyways Sister Steadman's name was called so she goes and stands in the middle...and then a pause and then I hear: "and SISTER MANSON!"
We both look at each other and she screams, and then I start screaming and I sprint to her side and we give each other the biggest craziest hug attack hahahahahhahhahaha....so YEAH! I can't even believe it. hahaha


literally heavenly father loves me so much. #THANKYOU #HeAnswersPrayers :D

#STEADMANSON is back together(: the dream team!!! yup...these next 6 weeks....we're going to be living the dream! :)
Preachin and teachin about Jesus Christ. It's going to be great!! We are going to work so hard in this area(: and have tons of fun together haha...
Goodbye New Jersey....hello Pennsylvania!!

My new area is Pottstown,PA!
PA is so much colder than NJ.... :( unfortunately...
But I wear layers so don't worry.

New Address:

Sister Manson
25 N. 5th Ave Apt#C303
Royersford, PA 19468

But yeah this week has been so crazy...because we don't have a car!! Sister Steadman....bless her heart...accidentally hahahahahhhhahhah...ran into a grass hill...and the bumper needed to get repaired so she dropped it off before transfers on Thursday...and we haven't had one since! Hopefully we'll get it back soon...because it's pretty rough having to walk errywhere in the freezing cold..........So yeah keep us in your prayers that we get our car back ASAP! With the windchill its like negative18 degrees..........yeah pray hard!!

We had a pretty sweet lesson with Lori. Sister Steadman said it was a miracle. Usually she's not really interested when they would come over so they would just talk to the husband. But he's gone for 3weeks on a business trip. She let us inside and we talked and I introduced myself to her. She has 2 cute little kids (11 months and 2 years old)
And this is where the genius of us as a companionship comes into play. Sister Steadman got the kids...I got the mom! hahaha

I was talking to Lori and Sister Steadman was distracting the little kids. #Genius #TeamWork
She had told us she really liked reading the Bible so I asked why. And she said it helps her with everyday and gives her a certain peace in her life. I opened up to the introduction page of the Book of Mormon and shared paragraph 3 with her [If you've never read the introduction or this paragraph....go do it now! -it's way good] I specifically pointed out this phrase to her: "...and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come"
I bore my testimony of how much the Book of Mormon has blessed my life and how much peace it has brought me. A lot of people don't know where to turn for peace, and I know that the Book of Mormon offers a certain peaceful feeling to me that nothing else can produce for me.
Her husband has a Book of Mormon, but she did not. And unfortunately...our bad...we didn't have a Book of Mormon with us to give to her because we walked.......hahah so we promised we would come back the next day and drop it off for her. We made chocolate chip banana oatmeal cookies and dropped some off for her along with the Book of Mormon with a verse highlighted and our testimony written in it. (: yay.

ahh I just love being a missionary so much. haha it's the best.

We have an investigator Kelly, who is getting baptized Feb 8th! I met her last night for the first time...she's so sweet!!! Her conversion story is incredible..and I will share that with you all sometime later..but yeah she's awesome. I'm so happy she is getting baptized! and she is coming closer to Jesus Christ. Her testimony is inspiring.

Anyways...that's pretty much it for this week. ahaha pretty crazy getting put with my MTC companion again and not having a car!
#MissionaryLife always interesting (: hahaha

I love you all!
love sistermanson


a train! 

 and more crazy fun........lolz

yeah we're having fun together (:

fun fun fun

yeah we're having fun together (:

fun fun fun

yeah we're having fun together (:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Boots with the Fur

I'M GETTING TRANSFERRED!!!!!!!!!! I find out tomorrow where my new area will be and who my new companion will be! ahhh talk about nervous/excitment.
So next week I will let you all know where I am and what I'm doing haha.
This past week has been SO CRAZY. Like....for real..craaaaaaaaaaaay.
Alright..lets begin haha.
Wednesday was the worst day ever...every single one of our plans fell through..So we were scrambling the whole morning and afternoon trying to figure out what we should do for the day. But the evening went so well. We were able to see Lauri who is a nonmember and daughter of one of our less actives we have. We met with her and talked about Lazarus and shared how the Lord's timing is perfect. We were getting ready to leave when she shares with us how she was having a really bad day and was praying for help and then we showed up at her door!
Missionary work: #MakingSomeone'sDayOnePersonAtATime (: And we were able to see alot of less actives who we haven't met with in a long time so that was sweet!
I went on exchanges with Sister Haas(our sister training leader in our area) and I learned so much! If I had to pick a missionary to look up to and follow their example it would be her! (: We stopped by a lot of people in her area and the people we were looking for weren't always there, but there was always someone who wanted us to come back! We spent a total of like 4 hours doing this over the 2 day period and we found 7 new investigators who wanted to learn more!!!
I learned to not hesitate to bear testimony on the door step and talk about how much my Savior and this gospel has blessed my life. Always try to give the people you meet an opportunity to feel the Spirit by teaching them a simple gospel principle.
Cool story real quick. We exchanged back at a TacoBell/KFC place and this worker came up to us and noticed our nametags and talked about how much he loved Jesus Christ! I was like us too! hahah He told us about how he grew up in Africa and how important being christian is to him. I told him I was PROUD to wear Jesus Christ's name on my chest everyday. He was so nice and humble. He wants to meet with the missionaries! #Hollahhhh

Two of our investigators have baptism dates!!!! One in February and one in March!! So sweet!! I'm sad I can't be here to see it happen...but I''m excited for them and being able to see and help them progress and understand!
We ran into Lena (the lady we met in the bathroom weeks ago...hahah) in a bakery! #RightPlaceRightTime she was so happy to see us(:
Yesterday was crazy. It snowed all day! We weren't allowed to use our car so we staying inside all day...so that was lame...but we were able to go see Meagan and her friend Lena and it was so sweet!! We had dinner at Laura's house and she was so nice she picked us up and dropped us off at meagan's house! #ThanksLaura
I was so happy to get out of the house, because I was so bored....I didn't like having all the freetime! I like to go go go....do missionary work(:
We were planning to just walk home afterwards but meagan was so nice too and drove us home! I was so happy we got to see them last night. It was needed! We texted her that morning and she said she was having an awful day! So we took that as an invitation to come on over and talk (: hahahah which we did.
I love Meagan and Lena so much! Lena is so funny we were talking and laughing and then all of a sudden she got really serious and was like "guys...be serious for a minute, I have a question for you" and we're like "okay!"

hahah and she goes and explains how she went upstairs and was just having a really bad day and usually when she has a bad day she cuts herself...but this time was different. She was going to...but then she said she felt like she shouldn't, so she didn't! And she asks what was that? why did I do that?

And we explained to her that that was the Spirit!! That was such a cool experience she shared with us. She felt the Spirit for the first time and totally realized it! Just didn't know what to call it. Both her and Meagan have really opened up to us a ton since we've been seeing them for the last few weeks. They have both been through a lot and I love being able to share the gospel and my testimony to them because I know how happy it will make them.

It's so sad..a lot of people in the world do not know where to turn for true and lasting happiness. There are things the world tries to make it seem like it will make you happy, but it just creates a numbing effect. The gospel is what brings us TRUE happiness. That's why I'm out here(: helping errybody i meet.

I'm so sad to be leaving and not be able to help and talk to all the people here every week...but sister maughan and handy totally will take good care of them.
Anyways gotta go.
It's been snowing a ton...I'm so cold! I got my boots with the fur on(: all day erryday to keep warm.
love you
love sistermanson

another pic i drew...yay

lauraaaaa <3 eating our homemade icecream....secret ingredient..SNOW!!

my 2nd family!!!
The places <3 i will miss them so much

 francis (:


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I hope Addi had a good birthday! She turned 7(:
So last Monday we went over to the McCabes house, and they're the best! a cute elderly couple.
Both in COMPLETE MATCHING shirt and pants JEAN outfits!!!!!
hahah I was dyyying. We talked about UFO's and how they've seen them multiple times. Hey I believe em!!
Okay so Sister Maughan is the best and has quoted my favorite Hannah Montana song, TWICE in a lesson. hahahah yeah she cracks me up.
"Nobody's perfect, I gotta work it again and again until I make it right. Nobody's perfect, you live and you work it"
hahah gotta love her and miley..
#StillAMileyFan <3
So Bradley our investigator wants to be baptized!! He's so excited and was asking us so many questions, like what will he wear and who will baptize him, and where it will be done. hahah he's the best. So excited for him!
Funniest thing happened when we went and stopped by a less actives house who we've never met before.
We knock on the door and say hi! She looks at us and says hello and then goes on to say that today isn't a good day for us to come in, and that she's Mormon. And I'm like....uhhhh we are too! hahah and she's like wait what? You're not Jehovah's Witnesses? And then I'm like "Ohhhh heck no!" #Freakin'J-Dubz ruining errything for us.
hahahha and she started to laugh really hard and so did we. She told us to come by later this week hahha
Hey cool thing about when Frank gets his mission call! I can facetime you guys and watch him open it! haha so frank get busy on it so I can see you guys again asap! haha(: love you frank(: and you better not go to germany or else I'm going to be so upset! hahaha jk...but really..
Advice to all my future missionary friends aka Kalie and Aven(: and anyone else going on missions: EMBRACE the roleplays! When you get to the MTC you'll understand...haha okay so we do what we call roleplays(acting out teaching lessons to investigators)...at first they're so awkward and I HATED them so much in the MTC and out here and would just laugh the entire time...but now they're less awkward and i don't laugh...all the time..haha. We had district meeting Thursday which is just a meeting with a bunch of missionaries that are close by your area and we did a roleplay and I legit straight up cried! We did a door approach and I just jumped in trying to make it seem as real and sincere as possible. I felt prompted to share Alma 7:11-12 with him, so I did. I told him to listen and image what HIS Savior Jesus Christ must have felt for him going through all these things. As I read the 2 verses I started to cry.. I had this overwhelming feeling of love come over me for him and knew Jesus Christ died for him and loved him. Even though it was completely fake I was able to feel the spirit so strong! ahhh so yeah embrace the roleplays because you'll be doing them like erryday...they do help a ton!
Hope you had a good birthday kalie..hermana harper! (: 20! so old...hahah
Sunday was perfect. Our bishop spoke about Nephi and how he would go and do. Then we sang Hymn 270 "I will go where you want me to go"
Which was a really nice and comforting hymn to sing and read and hear because TRANSFERS are coming up! We find out Friday who is leaving.....part of me wants to leave and go and see other places and met new people who need the gospel..but the other part wants to stay and help our investigators here like Bradley and Morgan! And this is all i know..and change is scary and sucks! haha but I'll go where he wants me to go!
Whether it be to stay in New Jersey or go to Maryland, or Delaware, or Pennsylvania somewhere(: who knows...I'll tell you next Monday!

It's all up to him and his timing....which ties perfectly into something really cool I wanted to share that I learned.
Go and read John 11:1-43!
So goood(:
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
(k quick side story...my comps would laugh at me everytime I would read Lazarus...because I kept saying Lazareth hahaha...whatevz heavenly father knew who I was talking about..)
But yeah it's so good! Jesus Christ waited 4 DAYS to raise Lazarus from the dead. Crazy. Why the heck did he wait 4 days to raise him from the dead? He loved Lazarus and Mary and Martha. They were so sad and when they finally saw Christ 4 days later..they say:
"Lord, if thou hast been here, my brother had not died"
so sad! If you would have been here...my brother would not have died!
they were really sad and even Jesus was sad because he cared so much for them all that he cries. After that he goes and finally raises him from the dead. But why did he wait??
Jesus Christ wanted to perform a miracle that everyone would DEFINITELY believe in. Back then they used to believe that the spirit would still be by the body 3 days after they died. So by Jesus Christ waiting to raise him on the 4th day, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Lazarus is dead. Many believed that in Him after that. Jesus is the Christ and that is the only way he could have raised him from the dead. Everything that happens is for a reason, that we might sometimes not comprehend or understand right now..but it'll all work itself out.
He delays for a reason.

Trust in His timing because
His timing is perfect.

It's pretty cool to look back and see all the small decision I've made in my life that have led me to right here and now in New Jersey serving a mission.
I applied to BYU-Provo and didn't get accepted! I was so upset haha because that's where I really wanted to go. I also applied to BYU-Idaho and UofA and got accepted into both. I chose to go to BYU-Idaho after many long talks with my dad....(he's really good at those..lol) and prayed and decided kind of grudgingly to go to Idaho.
There I met and surrounded myself with some of the greatest friends ever! Kalie, Mandi, Haley, Aven, Taylor...(:
One night we decided to have a fun sleep over and then wake up and watch general conference. Before that time in my life, I never really watched general conference and never cared for it, but I decided to also. Woke up and I watched and listened in my PJs and blanket half asleep to our Prophet Thomas S. Monson announce the age change for sister missionaries from 21 to 19!
September 4, 2013 I left on my mission! About 11 months from the time they made the announcement and now I'm here! In New Jersey of all places loving life and helping others come unto Christ! Everyday I get to put on my nametag/badge and see Jesus Christ's name right next to mine!
I represent HIM, and I get to love and serve everyone I meet.(: I love being a missionary, and it makes me a little sad to see how fast time is going! By march I'll only have a year left...NO!!!
#SorryNotSorry for the long email this week. Had a lot to say!
Love you!
sister manson

AZ license plate!!! #tendermercy (:

and I drew that haha 


ODIENA!!!!!!! my favoritest person ever. She's the best

:) taking the train to philly!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today is Janurary 6.....I turn 20 in two months! GROSS.
We met the cutest old lady on new years day. Her name is peggie. She was on our list of potential investigators and we stopped by to see. We knock and an elderly woman wearing a Micky Mouse sweater opens the door. We tell her we're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. She looks at us and tells us to come inside and look at something in her bedroom..haha you don't need to ask me twice...so I just walked right in. She shows us a picture of Jesus Christ given to her by missionaries years ago! how cool huh??
We go in the living room and she has a train set unfinished. I take a look at it, and with out asking/hesitating I sat down on the ground and started putting it together for her because she couldn't do so. So me and sister handy are working on that. while sister maughan is in the kitchen cooking Peggie some Liver!! Because she told us she hadn't eaten in 3 days! Her aid hadn't come over in a couple days so she wasn't able to eat anything! so we took care of her. She told us how alone she felt and that she's even thought of suicide...we quickly focused on heavenly father and Christ and that there's more to life that just living and dying. Before we left she was telling us that what we did for her was the sweetest and nicest thing anyone's done for her!
Friday was a rough day! I threw up twice and was really sick so I just stayed home and slept 20 hours....hahaha good times because sister maughan and sister handy were also sick!
The elders in our area come and brought us #YellowGatorade and gave us each a priesthood blessing. So nice of them!
Saturday was Chuck and Ella's funeral for their baby Philoe. All the talks were really good and comforting. Sister Menlove and sister Howard both were there so it was really nice to see them both again. I gave them each big hugs.
Fast Sundays are always the best!
Our investigator Bradley brought his kids to church with him yesterday! That was pretty sweet to see. We extended a baptism date to him but he said he didn't feel like he would be ready, but I'm 10000000% sure it'll be soon(:
So my mom sent me some German chocolate that my uncle had sent me. I don't remember German that well..but I'm pretty sure Enthalt Alkohol especially when its in bold and yellow means contains alcohol in it...i took a bite into it and spit it out because it tasted gross and then turned it around to see that bold yellow sign!! hahahaha good times....thanks mom............haha.
We went over to Meagan's house last night and got a new investigator! Meagan had her friend over and we read from the Book of Mormon and gave her friend one and we're meeting back with her again Tuesday! She's really sweet, but its really sad because she's been in the foster care for a while and her mom died awhile ago...but we can help her with the gospel! (: yay for missionary work!
One of our investigator's Pam shared with me her new years resolution and it's really cool so I'm sharing it with y'all.
She is picking a word to focus on for the entire year. Her word is strength based off of the scripture found in Philippians 4:13
I decided to do that too! but to pick a word for every transfer to focus on. This transfer I chose "tried and refined" scriptures found in 1 Peter 1:6-7 and Zech 13:9
I've picked 4 other words for my upcoming transfers too. Isn't that a cool idea?
YOU should do it too(:
So the Broadbents (a family in our ward) asked us all a question that made me think. they asked what has been a pleasant surprise about your mission so far? I said LOVE!!! haha.
When I thought about a mission I thought about helping others come closer to our Savior and helping them be happy. Never once did it cross my mind that I would actually "love" the people here. I just thought I'd be working hard..It just blows me away how IMMEDIATE my love for others I've met on my mission so far has been. I meet new people everyday, and sometimes only spend 10-45 minutes talking to them and immediately an overwhelming feeling of love comes over me for this person. Yeah it's pretty much indescribable and I can't really express it that well...but all my friends serving missions and who are getting ready to serve missions be ready to love the people! Get them everything! Give them heaven(:
love sister manson

adventurz with my comps haha we're having too much fun.....

freedom of religion!