If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today is Janurary 6.....I turn 20 in two months! GROSS.
We met the cutest old lady on new years day. Her name is peggie. She was on our list of potential investigators and we stopped by to see. We knock and an elderly woman wearing a Micky Mouse sweater opens the door. We tell her we're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. She looks at us and tells us to come inside and look at something in her bedroom..haha you don't need to ask me twice...so I just walked right in. She shows us a picture of Jesus Christ given to her by missionaries years ago! how cool huh??
We go in the living room and she has a train set unfinished. I take a look at it, and with out asking/hesitating I sat down on the ground and started putting it together for her because she couldn't do so. So me and sister handy are working on that. while sister maughan is in the kitchen cooking Peggie some Liver!! Because she told us she hadn't eaten in 3 days! Her aid hadn't come over in a couple days so she wasn't able to eat anything! so we took care of her. She told us how alone she felt and that she's even thought of suicide...we quickly focused on heavenly father and Christ and that there's more to life that just living and dying. Before we left she was telling us that what we did for her was the sweetest and nicest thing anyone's done for her!
Friday was a rough day! I threw up twice and was really sick so I just stayed home and slept 20 hours....hahaha good times because sister maughan and sister handy were also sick!
The elders in our area come and brought us #YellowGatorade and gave us each a priesthood blessing. So nice of them!
Saturday was Chuck and Ella's funeral for their baby Philoe. All the talks were really good and comforting. Sister Menlove and sister Howard both were there so it was really nice to see them both again. I gave them each big hugs.
Fast Sundays are always the best!
Our investigator Bradley brought his kids to church with him yesterday! That was pretty sweet to see. We extended a baptism date to him but he said he didn't feel like he would be ready, but I'm 10000000% sure it'll be soon(:
So my mom sent me some German chocolate that my uncle had sent me. I don't remember German that well..but I'm pretty sure Enthalt Alkohol especially when its in bold and yellow means contains alcohol in it...i took a bite into it and spit it out because it tasted gross and then turned it around to see that bold yellow sign!! hahahaha good times....thanks mom............haha.
We went over to Meagan's house last night and got a new investigator! Meagan had her friend over and we read from the Book of Mormon and gave her friend one and we're meeting back with her again Tuesday! She's really sweet, but its really sad because she's been in the foster care for a while and her mom died awhile ago...but we can help her with the gospel! (: yay for missionary work!
One of our investigator's Pam shared with me her new years resolution and it's really cool so I'm sharing it with y'all.
She is picking a word to focus on for the entire year. Her word is strength based off of the scripture found in Philippians 4:13
I decided to do that too! but to pick a word for every transfer to focus on. This transfer I chose "tried and refined" scriptures found in 1 Peter 1:6-7 and Zech 13:9
I've picked 4 other words for my upcoming transfers too. Isn't that a cool idea?
YOU should do it too(:
So the Broadbents (a family in our ward) asked us all a question that made me think. they asked what has been a pleasant surprise about your mission so far? I said LOVE!!! haha.
When I thought about a mission I thought about helping others come closer to our Savior and helping them be happy. Never once did it cross my mind that I would actually "love" the people here. I just thought I'd be working hard..It just blows me away how IMMEDIATE my love for others I've met on my mission so far has been. I meet new people everyday, and sometimes only spend 10-45 minutes talking to them and immediately an overwhelming feeling of love comes over me for this person. Yeah it's pretty much indescribable and I can't really express it that well...but all my friends serving missions and who are getting ready to serve missions be ready to love the people! Get them everything! Give them heaven(:
love sister manson

adventurz with my comps haha we're having too much fun.....

freedom of religion!


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