If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................so yeah this week has been so CRAZY!!! like holy cow crazy..like ahhhh...K.

K soooo...I get to transfers on Thursday. I got to see Sister Steadman and Sister Menlove! I was so happy because I love and miss them so much since I haven't seen them in forever..

So transfer meeting starts...I am on one side of the gym and all the missionaries who were getting new companions were on the other side.
The sister missionaries around me starts to dwindle..and Sister Steadman is still standing there. And I was like.....PLEASE make me companions with Sister Steadman. hahaha but then I was like nahhh...they wouldn't put us back together........K.
Anyways Sister Steadman's name was called so she goes and stands in the middle...and then a pause and then I hear: "and SISTER MANSON!"
We both look at each other and she screams, and then I start screaming and I sprint to her side and we give each other the biggest craziest hug attack hahahahahhahhahaha....so YEAH! I can't even believe it. hahaha


literally heavenly father loves me so much. #THANKYOU #HeAnswersPrayers :D

#STEADMANSON is back together(: the dream team!!! yup...these next 6 weeks....we're going to be living the dream! :)
Preachin and teachin about Jesus Christ. It's going to be great!! We are going to work so hard in this area(: and have tons of fun together haha...
Goodbye New Jersey....hello Pennsylvania!!

My new area is Pottstown,PA!
PA is so much colder than NJ.... :( unfortunately...
But I wear layers so don't worry.

New Address:

Sister Manson
25 N. 5th Ave Apt#C303
Royersford, PA 19468

But yeah this week has been so crazy...because we don't have a car!! Sister Steadman....bless her heart...accidentally hahahahahhhhahhah...ran into a grass hill...and the bumper needed to get repaired so she dropped it off before transfers on Thursday...and we haven't had one since! Hopefully we'll get it back soon...because it's pretty rough having to walk errywhere in the freezing cold..........So yeah keep us in your prayers that we get our car back ASAP! With the windchill its like negative18 degrees..........yeah pray hard!!

We had a pretty sweet lesson with Lori. Sister Steadman said it was a miracle. Usually she's not really interested when they would come over so they would just talk to the husband. But he's gone for 3weeks on a business trip. She let us inside and we talked and I introduced myself to her. She has 2 cute little kids (11 months and 2 years old)
And this is where the genius of us as a companionship comes into play. Sister Steadman got the kids...I got the mom! hahaha

I was talking to Lori and Sister Steadman was distracting the little kids. #Genius #TeamWork
She had told us she really liked reading the Bible so I asked why. And she said it helps her with everyday and gives her a certain peace in her life. I opened up to the introduction page of the Book of Mormon and shared paragraph 3 with her [If you've never read the introduction or this paragraph....go do it now! -it's way good] I specifically pointed out this phrase to her: "...and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come"
I bore my testimony of how much the Book of Mormon has blessed my life and how much peace it has brought me. A lot of people don't know where to turn for peace, and I know that the Book of Mormon offers a certain peaceful feeling to me that nothing else can produce for me.
Her husband has a Book of Mormon, but she did not. And unfortunately...our bad...we didn't have a Book of Mormon with us to give to her because we walked.......hahah so we promised we would come back the next day and drop it off for her. We made chocolate chip banana oatmeal cookies and dropped some off for her along with the Book of Mormon with a verse highlighted and our testimony written in it. (: yay.

ahh I just love being a missionary so much. haha it's the best.

We have an investigator Kelly, who is getting baptized Feb 8th! I met her last night for the first time...she's so sweet!!! Her conversion story is incredible..and I will share that with you all sometime later..but yeah she's awesome. I'm so happy she is getting baptized! and she is coming closer to Jesus Christ. Her testimony is inspiring.

Anyways...that's pretty much it for this week. ahaha pretty crazy getting put with my MTC companion again and not having a car!
#MissionaryLife always interesting (: hahaha

I love you all!
love sistermanson


a train! 

 and more crazy fun........lolz

yeah we're having fun together (:

fun fun fun

yeah we're having fun together (:

fun fun fun

yeah we're having fun together (:

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