If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, May 26, 2014

Foolish Man

We helped a member in the ward plant her garden and some flowers!
And ahhh
there are so many life lessons and problems that
can be learned from planting and taking care
of a plant!
And its
suuuuuuuuuuper relaxing
Definitely adding that to my list of stuff to do when i get home
#39 Plant a plant!

We had a lesson with a member in the ward's husband
who is not a member
we followed up with his book of mormon reading and praying
He read!!
Then we brought up the
He said its a good idea
So we set him with a DATE!!!
Also he pinky promised us he would say the opening prayer next time
we got it in WRITTING
Literally so happy for him and his family!
(which just looked at my calendar and I went through the Mesa, AZ
temple a year ago that day!!!)
I think not.
That is definitely something my mission has taught me
there are no such things as coincidences or chance.
it all happens for a reason and all according to Heavenly Fathers will.
June 4 is approaching fast!
so crazy
9 months!
after that date I give
to all my married friends
that they can have a baby now(:
because I will be home in 9 months!

But seriously there is NOTHING I'd rather be doing.
I love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love
being a missionary.

I have learned so much and still have so much more to learn and to do.
I've been really thinking about my mission experience thus far.
From the things I've learned
to the good times
to the hard times
to the silly times
to the spiritual growth times!
I am going to make a little list for next week's email about all the many things i've learned
and have gained a testimony of
stay tunnnned
but honestly my mission has
and continues to do so.
I'm so grateful for it.
Had dinner with our German friend!
a member of the ward
super gut (:
Definitely want to go visit germany when i get back home
add it to the lisssst
#8 Go to Germany

Me and sister cox taught a lesson to our district (a group of missionaries)
about responding to objections by using the bom
I love it so much because it really helped me realize
what the true purpose of the book of mormon is.
If you really want to know if joseph was a TRUE prophet
and if all the things the church claims are "true" and restored
read the book of mormon.
that's where you testimony should lie!
it helps you grow closer to heavenly father and
jesus christ.
We stopped by a really in-active member of the ward
and it just broke my heart
listening to her
she explained that not only did she not
believe in the book of mormon
or Joseph smith but not even in the bible or christ or God!
It was really eye-opening to me
to hear someone be so un-sure about everything.
That's something i really love about this church
there's nothing un-sure about it.
We KNOW there is a God and He sent His son Jesus Christ
to die for us.
So many questions have been answered because we are guided by a living prophet!
We know all of these things and that makes
our foundation
As we listened to this member talk
it was so clear
she was not on a solid foundation
and she was not as happy as she could be if she would have put some time into building on a stronger foundation
Jesus Christ
The scriptures say He is our rock
3Nephi 18:13
13 But whoso among you shall do more or less than these are not built upon my rock, but are built upon a sandy foundation; and when the rain descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon them, they shall fall, and the gates of hell are ready open to receive them.
We will FALL if our testimonies aren't gained and strengthened DAILY.
Matthew 7 24-27
24 ¶Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, anddoeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
I know these things are true.And the only way I am able to say that
is because I have put in the time to strengthen my testimony and to read the book of mormon and the bible.
I know it because i feel it

We have another investigator
We taught him the plan of salvation
he loved it!
when we first started teaching him he didn't even know where we come from!
we fixed that haha
He understood everything!
He is getting baptized
He is so honest about seeking the truth
he said this the past week
"I just want to know the truth"
you've found it buddy
Yesterday was his birthday so after church me and sister cox dropped off a cake we made him
he face just lit up!
we totally forgot our candle sticks so he went in his apartment and grabbed a lighter
and lit it and we sang happy birthday to him and he just blew the lighter out
hahah so awesome

oh by the way..
I am NOT getting transferred!
6 months in pottstown here i come(:
and another transfer with sister cox

I read this awesome talk by president monson
"Finishers Wanted"
i really liked it and it touched me deeply
I have been really focusing on having a vision of myself
of WHO heavenly father wants me to be.

Here is a cool quote:
by sister neilson
(wife of elder neilson, one of the 12 apostles!)
"There are more people on the other side of the veil
rooting for us
than there are on this side"

I love you
have a good week!
love sistermanson

 Pennsylvania is pretty(:

This is Alvin! He is from puerto rico 
and has a super attractive accent lol
it was his birthday yesterday so we made him a cake!
 He is getting baptized June 29 :D

Fun district :)

Fun district :)

this is the Gulasch! (:
it was good!!!

 we made our investigator Bob PROMISE
 us that he would say the openning prayer next time
we meet. haha we got it in WRITTING! 

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