If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Truth Will Always Be Opposed

The first half of the week was
>so stressful<
..headless chicken..
But heavenly father loves me so much
We had a zone conference
[a super big missionary meeting where we learn stuff]
The main speakers were Dr./Elder&Sister Dunn
Guess what their talks were about?
}How to deal with stress{
Heavenly Father is so mindful of me..
I love being able to recognize that.
Literally just what I needed
I took like 5 pages of notes
They talked a lot about the
Comfort Zone
Things feel great in the comfort zone
no growth takes place there.
Here's a quote for ya
"There is no comfort in the growth zone, and no growth in the comfort zone"
So basically
it's good to be uncomfortable
They also asked us what was the best thing we thought about ourselves
And they said that
the times when it's the hardest is where some of our best qualities
are developed.
If everything was great all the time
we would not rely on heavenly father through prayer and scripture study
But when things get hard
that's the first thing I do!!
A cute little math equation
because I love math so much.

Hard/trying/struggling/uncomfortable times
Strengthened testimony

good that word if you don't know what it means

me and sister cox have been talking to
many people
it's insane just how many people there are in our area.
and this is just a smidgen of how many people there are in the WORLD
plus all the people who already passed away
ahh so many people
and heavenly fathers
each of them

Taught the restoration to one of our investigators.
We then get a message on facebook from his brother a couple days later
that his brother took the book of Mormon we gave him and showed it to his priest
the priest told him to throw the book in the trash
and that you won't get closer to God by reading it




not cool

I know the Book of Mormon is true.

I read this awesome talk this morning called "The Prophet Joseph Smith
by Lawrence E Corbridge from this April 2014 general conference.
so sick

"Opposition, criticism and antagonism are companions to the truth"
"The truth will always be opposed"
"There are not many options...He was either pretender or prophet"
and he invites everyone to pray and ask God
"This is not only how you may learn the truth of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith
it is also a pattern to know the truth of all things"

and one of my favorite quotes from Joseph Smith himself
he says:
"Though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart:
Why persecute me for telling the truth?
I have actually seen a vision;
and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does
the world think to make me
deny what I have actually seen?
For I had seen a vision;
I knew it,
and I knew that God knew it,
I could not deny it"

Joseph Smith History 1:25

Love this..

I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
And that there will always be hatred and opposition towards the truth
You just have to build a strong enough foundation/testimony of Christ (Helaman 5:12) and
know people will reject it..
but that does not change
that you yourself know it is true.

Something I learned recently was found in this scripture:

Proverbs 29:18
"Where there is no vision, the people perish"

My mission has really been focusing on having a vision. and making goals and plans to accomplish this vision. whether it be for ourselves, our investigators, our ward etc...
Strive to have a vision of yourself,
of the person you want to be
and them make goals
and plans to help get you to it.
I did that, and I continue to add to my vision of myself and change my goals of how I can be a better servant of the Lords and
who He wants me to become.
We all have sooo much potential
and with the Lords help we will get there.
Ether 12:27 says the Lord will help turn our weaknesses into strengths.
It's been really cool to see myself change!!

Sunday was the best day ever
Here's what went down:
Woke up at 6am
Met Kelly at the church
then traveled to go to a CATHOLIC church
got sprinkled with holy water......
sang hymns
it was awesome
then we went back to our church
facetimed my family for mothers day!
[you guys are awesome]
they took me on a tour of the new house in NC
laughed at my crazy siblings
dad chillin in pjs(:
saw the pets
after we facetimed we walked to a park and with chalk
wrote on the sidewalks
what doyou love about your mother?"
and as people walked past we would ask them if they wanted to write anything
we got people to!
super cool
Some were nice
others not so much...but whatevz
We met Alvin through this!
He's from Puerto Rico
We explained what we were doing as missionaries
and he was like
"I really want to know more about being Mormon"
no one ever tells us that!!!
Well Alvin..

I love you!
have a good week

btw..transfers are coming up at the end of May and most likely I probs will be heading out of Pottstown in like 2 weeks! just a heads up for mail address.

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

FaceTime fam(:

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