If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Headless But Happy Chickens

It's MAY..
And it's still like 50 degrees here..
It's been raining here like all week! It just doesn't stop. But rain = green!
Everywhere I look..GREEN.
Green trees.
Green grass.
Green fields.
Green weeds.

Me and sis cox received a referral to go see someone. We pull up and
it's a 3 story apartment building! Our text just gave us her name and
no apartment number
Our plan was to just knock on ALL the doors. We wanted to start on the
3rd flor and work our way down. Just before we get out of the car,
this girl pulls up and gets out of her car and walks into the first
floor. Had a thought: "maybe that's her!!!" So we started on the first
floor instead. About 4 or 5 doors later the same girl we saw answers
the door! We asked if so and so was there and she said: that's me!
#thankyouheavenlyfather #miracle #rightplacerighttime
So that was awesome, spoke to her and she wants us to come back! Yay.

Stan earlier last week CRUSHED his cigs!! Officially done smoking he told us(:

Had dinner with a family of the ward.
Here's what went down:

Craziness happening all over the place
Yelling and arguing
Siblings telling jokes and riddles
Laughz for dayz (don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my lifeee)
Super chill
Everybody running around
Hahahaha it felt like I was at #HOMEEE

I miss all my siblings running around and making me laugh..excited I
get to FaceTime my family for Mother's Day!! So happy to see everyone.

I was superrr overwhelmed Friday morning because we just have so much
to do! So me and sister cox decided
to go get some ice cream so I could calm down because we all know
icecream fixes errything..
We talked to the worker there. AND GET THIS!!
It turns out she's from Brazil. And the missionaries taught and
baptized her sister who's still in Brazil! She has a sister who's a
member of the church! So cool. She wants us to come over and teach
her! So awesome. #icecreaminspired lol.

Have you heard the song 2 years by Carli Barlow? If not...YouTube it
right nowww.

It's so good and was one my fav songs I'd listen to on repeat before I
left on my mission(:
The sister I went in exchanges with had it on cd! I was super happy
listening to it, because it reminded me of some things.
Here are some of the lyrics I really like:

"2 years [18 months] is a long time for me! to be here without you!
it's hard to believe! but I know it's the right thing and I'll miss
you dearly...2 years [18 months] is a time for me to give back for I
owe each breath that I breathe. It's only a small thing, when you look
at eternity"

Then we role around to Sunday
< best day of my life>
So perfect.
We did so many things Sunday..it was pretty hectic and crazy!
-ward council at 745.
-bore my testimony
-taught the relief society lesson
-Rebecca and Stan's baptism!
Ahh it felt like me and sis cox were
running around like chickens with
our heads cut off
!! Haha..
> good imagery eh?<
it spells..
I felt the Spirit so strong throughout the entire day.
It was much needed and gave me such an upliftment.
We had a cool lesson about fasting and I learned that we need to be
cheerful and happy while we do it.
Never knew that one.
But it makes sense.
Actually we can pretty much apply this principle in every aspect of our lives.
Be happy and cheerful in
It makes such a huge difference.
I looked up the word happy on my iPad dictionary
Some of the things that stood out to me were the words:
Confident, satisfied, pleasure, pleasing, willing to do something, fortunate, smiling!

Ahh 2 of my close best friends are leaving on their missions Wednesday!! So crazy..
Aven leaves to the Mexico MTC to learn Spanish for the people in California
Kalie leaves to the Provo MTC to learn Spanish for the people in Argentina
So happy and excited for them!
Serving a mission has been the best thing I've ever done!!!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Found a cool scripture this morning
Alma 60:36
"I seek not honor of the world, but for the glory of my God"

I felt prompted while studying this morning to study prayer in PMG.
There are so many promised blessings for <PRAYER>
Promised that:
they WILL be answered
we WILL see God's influence in our lives
He WILL guide us
He WILL bless us
He WILL warn us
He WILL forgive our sins
**We WILL feel closer to Him**
(my personal fav)
Our minds WILL be filled with inspiring and uplifting thoughts, and enlightenment
WILL have feelings of peace, joy and love
WILL want to do good and help others
[PMG 73]
I love that word..
These are what I like to call
"Will Statements"
I've found a lot of these "will statements" all throughout my patriarchal blessing!
I love them so much because these are the promises to us from Heavenly Father!
And Heavenly Father always keeps his promises.
D&C 82:10
I encourage all of you to look for these "Will Statements"
throughout the scriptures
in your own patriarchal blessing
conference talks

they're errywhere

Have a good week!
Love you


awesome cake made by one of the members of the ward for the baptism!!
Scripture cake! so sweeeeeeeeet. 

me and aven
yay for missionaries

and me and kalie!
yay for missionaries

we helped sister driscoll perm her hair (: hahaha
oh man I love old people..

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