If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, June 16, 2014


a less active member we've been working with, decided she was ready to stop smoking!! :) yay
and i think this week can be summed up by this word:

John 15:5 and Helaman 4:13
look emm uppp.

I've started to read Psalms in the old Testament. it's actually really good, I was surprised haha

Pottstown is stealing my heart everyday I'm here! I just love it here more and more.

We had a really good lesson on fasting and prayer with one of our investigators.
I can't even describe the spirit that was in that room. It was p.o.w.e.r.f.u.l.
Helped me to know and feel the strength and power that comes from fasting and paying tithing.
Me and Sister Cox decided we would fast the next day for him, so we did.

We met someone who used to meet with the missionaries in the 1980's! haha so sweet.
I've been talking to everyone i see about #FAMILYHISTORY. I'm still so obsessed with it.
people walking their dog..family history!
workers at walmart...family history!
neighbors...family history!

haha boom. boom. boom.

So do you remember the story from memorial day?? (we went to the cemetary and talked to the people we saw there, and added them as friends on facebook)

welllll, one of them we've been keeping pretty good in touch with. and we asked if we could come over and talk to him and he said he actually would like that because he was really unsure about a lot of things going on in his life right now.
So we went over on saturday with sister bunting (a member of the ward here..she's so cute, shes in her late 60's!) and that lesson was so intense and awesome!!! We were there for 2 hours...and talked about so many different things!!
He opened up a lot to us and explained that he felt so lost and didn't know what to do.

Well....HELLO SIR. we can help you with that (;

We talked all about random different parts from the restoration and the plan of salvation
We suggested to him that he could a Preisthood blessing, and he said he would like that, so we set it up for the next day (sunday).
We brought kelly and brother kuhre to come with us
so ahhh...maz..ing
Brother kuhre gave him a blessing and we talked alot about how the gospel can really bless and change his life. He shared he was having regrets in his life, so Alma 36 popped into my head so I went with it haha verses 17-21. We all read and related it to him and how he can have that same experience as Alma did. Brought up baptism and invited him to be baptized.
he said yes!! July 27 :)))
Then kelly shared moroni 10:4 #perfectwaytoend

oh man..people are just so prepared to hear the gospel! we just gotta find em.
He shared that he knew it was no coincidence that he met us. and we're like YEEEAAAHH!
amen. (:

We could have gone to any cemetery, and talked to the many other people that were there.
We were drawn to him. picked him out of the people who were there and talked to him

to find people like him, who's life will change because he now has knowlege of the gospel.

I love being a missionary.

have a good week!
love sismanson

we love the book of mormon!!

yolo and we love the bom!

we love the bom!

went to a german restaurant! #schnitzel 
yolo and we love the bom!

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