If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mailman and chchchanges

Goooooooood week.
Went to the PAGODA, in Reading last pday.
haha google it.
it's sweet!

I finished the book of mormon june 4!
that was cool

So one thing you might not know about me is that i am obsessed with..
i love em
i point them out all the time when we're driving around town haha
(they make me excited)
but anyways we are pretty good friends with our mailman
and one day we saw him putting our mail in the mailboxes
Flagged/chased him down before he left
and told him to watch the "because of him" video on youtube
and wrote it down on a pass-a-long card with our phone number and asked him to text us after he watched it.
(FYI...my history as being a sis missionary..nobody ever calls or texts us back when we want them too)
later that night.
Literally made my entire week.
We're going to teach a mailman

I'm cheesy and opened up my letter I wrote to myself 3 months ago
haha it was pretty funny to read
now I'm working on writing myself another letter to open up 3 months from now
......my YEAR mark..........
ahhh kill me now.
it's going by way too fast.
stoppp it.

So we had some crazyness happen sunday!
Our ward boundaries got changed
so we're loosing a lot of some good members of the ward :/
super sad
on TOP of that
unexpectedly they also annouced that the bishop and all his counslers were getting released as well! so we have a new bishop now!
haha everyone was in tears like the whole day...
"pull yourself together!"
(Edna from the Incredibles..probs one of my fav movies..me and sister cox tend to quote this movie pretty much daily lol)
Changes are:
but they can be so
I think that's one important thing my mission
has instilled in me and helped me to realize.

Although I have gone through many changes,
one thing has always been a constant in my life, and that is my Savior Jesus Christ.

Me and sister cox had a really cool experience.
we had an awkward 30 mins before our next appointment
a thought popped into my head to go and see some former investigators the elders had been working with.
We stop by and they shared their story with us
about how their son had met the missionaries and less than a week after that
he had passed away.
So the missionaries had gone over and talked to his parents.
We were able to share with them the because of him video
and that totally created the perfect #spiritualdrop
that we needed.
after we showed them that sister cox started talking to the man and I was talking to the women
(one of our favorite things to do)
I was able to share with her about when my step-mom passed away
and how hard that was, but from it i learned so much about heavenly father's plan for us.
As i bore my testimony she started to cry.
The spirit was so strong!!
Best thing about all of this was that it was all happening
as we were standing on their front porch outside!
The spirit can testify anywhere!

Had a lesson with our investigator Bob last night
Got him to agree again in writing to say the closing prayer next lesson haha

Ahh..I just love missionary work
everything about it
it's so hard
but so good!

Nothing else I'd rather be doing right now.

love you!

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