If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, August 18, 2014

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

Wanna hear about all the COOL things I did this past week? (That was
for you Kelly)

Oh hhhhheyyyyyy.
I am staying in morrisville.
So is sister wright!
BUT we are still going to transfer meeting.....which means:we are
getting a third companion(: yay for being in trios haha #funtimes
I just pray she's fun and crazy like me and likes to ruuuuuun.

Literally the days and weeks here just keep getting better and better.
Monday we went to Philly. Took the train....got lost...found our way.
Went to the Magic Garden. It was awesome! It's this huge building/maze
that an artist decided to turn/recycle trash into art! LOVED IT. we
went inside:) took 100 pictures and got some cool postcards

We stopped by one of our investigators and she didn't answer the door.
For some strange reason...we decided to just wait and stand outside
enjoying the sound of the rain hit the roof and ground and trees.
About 3 minutes later....SHE OPENS THE DOOR! Haha #miracle.
We were able to meet with her and share the plan of salvation with her
and she pretty much cried the whole time. Spirittttt. Afterwards we
stopped by some potential investigators. The first one was home and
super not interested..then we stopped by mike. #miraclestory

Here's what went down:
We knock on door.
Kendra(his 32yearold daughter answers the door)
We're like helloooo is mike home?
She says no and that it will be impossible for us to catch him because
his work hours are very crazy and unpredictable.
So were like aw man..alright..wellllll have you heard of our church
before?? Haha
We start talking and bearing testimony. About 7 minutes pass and mike
comes up riding his bike!!! We were so excited. Felt very prompted to
ask if they had just 10 minutes that we could share something with
them. They agreed. And jokingly mentioned how funny it would be if the
mom would show up because they are never home at the same time...we
start teaching the message of the restoration and about 2 minutes pass
and the mom comes home!!!! PERFECT. all 3 of them together. Continued
teaching. They were all so interested in everything we were saying and
loved every bit of It. The spirit was so strong and they recognized
the spirit in the room and us as representatives of Christ. They even
shared how they personally knew meeting us was no accident or
coincidence we showed up exactly when we did. I just love how Heavenly
Father works through me!! To help find these people and help change
their lives. Very humbling and testimony building. Trust in his

I got to call my brother frank while he was opening up his mission
call!! Ahhh so exciting.
I heard him say: "dear elder manson...." And the spirit just HIT me.
So pumped and excited and happy for him! He's going to Riverside,
California (: for 2 years & leaves in October.

We had the neat opportunity to have a mini missionary with us for 5
days. IT WAS THE BEST. She was so cute and excited to share the
gospel. Also she was super funny. Me and sis wright were cracking up
the whole time we were with her. We had this on going quote list from
the things she would say hahahaha I die every time I re-read them.

We set a goal at the beginning of the week to find 10 new investigators.
By Saturday we had 5. Haha so we were like gotta make it happen Sunday!
By the end of Sunday night we had 9! So close, didn't quite reach our
goal, but happy for the people we found and get to help with the

Another cool miracle story:
There was an old record in our iPads about this women who we tried
stopping by sometimes. But we could never find her house because the
street name didn't exist!
We realized we had her number in our phone, so being smart.....we
called her, and SHE ANSWERED! K not only did she answer, she was so
excited that we called and invited us over for dinner!!
#thatNEVERhappens #likewhaaaat??! We were so pumped. So we had dinner
with her and her husband who turns out to be a suuuuper less active
member of the church! Hahaha really! Like double whaaaat?? Heavenly
Father knows what he's doing.
She really is interested and wants to learn more about the church.

ANOTHER miracle story:
We got a phone cal from one of the youth in our ward. He says that a
women he does service yard work for wants to learn about the church.
So were like sweeeet. He gives us her info and we call her up. She
said she wanted to come to church and was just so impressed by the
young men that helped her and wanted to learn more about the church
they belonged to. #thankstothemforbeingawesomeexamples. She came to
church yesterday!! Loved it, cried some, laughed some. Loved the whole
thing. She is great(:

I love being a missionary. Things have been seeming to just fall into
our laps here! It's crazy. We put forth a lot of effort and work hard
and things always work out and Heavenly Father helps us get to the
people who are ready to hear and accept the gospel.

The church is true & I love you(:

cool words and the sweet magic garden place in philly we went to(:

more magic garden!

more magic garden!

more magic garden!

more magic garden!

more magic garden!

This was our mini missionary sister schuda. She spent 5 days with us.
She is 16 and super excited to go on a mission one day. Her family
joined the church 2 years ago(: they got sealed in the temple last
year! How awesome is that???? Love missionary work.

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