If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, August 4, 2014

Down and Ups

The title explains our week!!!
Last Monday we went to Washington Crossing ( where Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas to attack some people) hahah #imnohistorymajor. Just walked around and took a fun tour.

Tuesday was the sweetest day ever. Full of miracles.
We stopped by a member's friend she told us to go see. And she's so cool! She's from Georgia.....THE COUNTRY!!! (It's always been a dream of mine to meet someone from Georgia the country lol) she's really funny and was very intrigued by what we had to say about the Book of Mormon and having a living prophet today. She wants to learn more(:
We said a prayer.....a hand-holding prayer....hahah these are always so awkward but whatevz I've done a lot of them on my mission.

Remember last week about the women who called up our bishop and said she wanted to join the church now? Well we met with her, (her name is Cathy) and she's amazing!! She's 75 haha but acts like she's 50. It's great. She has a baptism date for September 7 (:
Afterwards we were walking to our car but remembered to ask sister dyott(a member who came to that lesson with us) about something so we were talking to her and then Cathy comes out and asks of we have another copy of the Book of Mormon. Hahaha of course we do! We carry 100s of them in our car hahah. She said she wanted to give it to her daughter Katie, who was in the other room because she was sick. Katie came out and we talked to her for a little. Direct quote from her: "I don't have a church...why not the Mormons!?"
Hahaha yes(: why notttttt.

We went and ate at tanners! A cute icecream shop and ate our icecream with some cows

After Tuesday the week was pretty rough..just normal missionary stuff of people canceling and appointments not working out. That's alright though.

Had dinner at the wares, and they fed us curry last night...NEW FAVORITE FOOD. And it was fast Sunday so I ate plentyyyyyy. Also..we ate skittles that their son had been eating who has strep throat....we didn't know until sister ware comes and starts yelling don't eat the skittles haha we'd had like 30 by then...so hopefully we don't get strep this week.....?? Say yo prayers for me!!!

Me and sis wright were under the Yardley train tunnel while a train was going over!!!! That's been my goal since being here haha we were walking and a little bit from the tunnel, and we see a train coming! We both look at each other and without a word start sprinting to get in the tunnel :) it was so loud and scary.

Made 2 people cry!. I love it when people cry, that means I'm doing my job right. #SPIRIT
Philippians 4...read it! the spirit is so strong when we've read it out loud together with them.

Met someone who's husband past away a couple years ago and she wants us to come back! We said a prayer with her and she is really sweet.
Also met this kid (said he was a junior in high school) while we were walking. He was sitting on a bench and looked really sad. So I was like sister wright lets go talk to him! It was weird I felt like I was being drawn to him, he felt familiar, like a brother. His name is Cody and we bore testimony of Gods love for him. He said: "you can really promise me that god loves me?" We're like YES!! Gave him a plan of salvation pamphlet and we're friends on Facebook. Hopefully we will get in contact with him again and help him with the gospel! And the Book of Mormon(:

Had a powerful meeting with a bunch of missionaries this past Thursday. Talked about our character and our desires and accepting the atonement.
They did a little object lesson where we all stood up. And elder kofford had to do 10 push-ups for us to sit down and to get a donut. There was about 15 of us and he did 10 push-ups for all of us!! By the 8th one he was exhausted, but kept going. Some people didn't even take a donut but he still had to do their push-ups. There was a spiritual Parrelle to that about excepting Christ's atonement. I was totally doing fine tears wise until the very end when he was done and an elder gave him a hug! Haha then I just lost it. Because it made me think of all of us giving our savior a hug. #oneday

There's a new Mormon message out and if you haven't seen it yet, watch it!!!!!! We taught Sunday school and it was really powerful, it's called the hope of Gods light. We showed it and a lot of people, including both our and the elders investigators were crying.

The church is true!
I read a talk this morning called be your best self

And it talked about 3 things
1 study diligently
2 pray fervently
3 live righteously

Love those things. Do itttttt.

Have a good week
Love you

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