If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, August 11, 2014

Zebra striped whale.

Days and weeks are going by so fast!!!!!
This is the last week of the transfer, so we get transfer calls on Friday.
Hopefulllllllly I'm staying (: and sister wright may or may not stay.
I'll let you know next week.

So we had a cool miracles this week. Likeeeee this area is on FIRE.
Pretty sure this area is the WHY to me being called to the PPM(:

our dinner appointment fell through one day so we decided to ask
another member we're close to if we could come over, they said yes so
we're eating dinner at their house and their son comes over with all
his friends. All of them but 1 were members of the church. So we had a
brilliant idea to share that awesome Mormon message to all of them. I
love working with the youth--their spirits are always so strong. And
it was definitely cool because there was someone there who wasn't a

Had ice cream at this place called the Zebra Striped Whale. Literally
my favorite place in the world besides a Temple lol. It was so chill
inside and had so many good icecreames. If I wasn't on my mission I'd
be there everyday studying, reading and listening to music.

So last week, our zone leaders made us a promise. That if we wrote
down our testimony of Jesus Christ, and shared it to as many people as
we could, we would find a family to teach. I was like SWEEEET. Let's
do it haha.
Fast forwardddd 6 days later...........
On Wednesday we were walking around a neighborhood to some potential
investigators, before our dinner appointment. Stopped by a few people
and talked to some others..not a whole lot was happening. Before we
know it we have to start heading back so we wouldn't be late for
dinner. As we were walking back, I saw this man just sitting on his
I WANTED TO TALK TO HIM SO BAD. The spirit hit me way strong to go
talk to him...but I was like nahhh can't be late for dinner. So we
keep walking...past him. We turn a corner and sister wright makes the
comment of that she wanted to talk to that guy.
I was like...ME TOO!!!!!! So we decided to go back after dinner. So we
eat and then head back over. He wasn't outside anymore....so we
knocked on the door. And a women answers the door. And so I started to
explain that we just felt really impressed to talk to the guy who was
sitting on the porch. She laughed a little but it definitely got her
attention and we continued to talk about what we do and who we are. We
shared how Christ's church had been restored back to the earth and
gave her a Book of Mormon, we bore our testimonies of Christ and set
up a time to come back (which is on Tuesday....tomorrow!!!!) turns out
she's the wife of the man we saw....and they have 3 cute little kids!

One day this past week, we ate pizza........at the Delaware
river......in the rain!!!
Hahahaha I was in heaven. So fun:)

I received the best news of my life on my mission so far....
Remember my girl Jessie??! Go a few blogs back....
(Brief summary:back in Pottstown with sister cox. met her totally by a
miracle of the Lord's timing, (Stopped by to go see her mom, she had
met missionaries and we just had her information and felt like
stopping by. We drive alllllllll the way there--which was pretty
far--but right before we get out of the car, we get a phone call from
Kelly, asking us where we were for dinner haha we had gotten the times
confused! So we were like ahhh oops. So we don't even get out of the
car...and go straight to Kelly's. Then a couple days later we go back.
((Which was weird because it was waaaay out in the boonies of our
area, but for some reason we went back and that's when Jessie answered
the door!!! ((I'm a FIRM believer that we were meant to find Jessie
and if we had gotten out the first time we wouldn't have met her then
because maybe her mom might have answered the door instead and said
she wasn't interested? Idk..,there's 100 different reasonings as of
what could have happened) ever since then we have been talking to her
a lot on Facebook, she wasn't interested in converting or learning
about the gospel, so we introduced her to all the youth in our ward,
helped her with her math homework, she came to church for the first
time when it was my last Sunday in Pottstown to say goodbye to me,
she's been coming to mutual, and went to girls camp this past week)
I messaged her a couple days ago asking her about camp and what her
thoughts were about it....and she just was telling me all about how
much LOVE she felt there, and like she felt like she was h.o.m.e.


Literally I love her so much! I feel like she's my baby hahaha...in a
spiritual gospel like way lol. Yup, she's pretty special to me. So
happy for her. I'm confident that the love she felt was probably
pretty close to Christ's love for her. Because this is HIS church.
Unfortunately I won't be able to go to her baptism just because of
mission rules since I'm no longer in Pottstown...but I'll hecka be
there in spirit!

I love being a missionary. I can't believe in one more month I'll only
have 6 months left
What the?!

We had a big all day meeting with a bunch of missionaries. So
uplifting and powerful,
Talked about the importance of scripture power, prayer, pondering,
meditating, and being in tune with the spirit. Sister Anderson (our
mission presidents wife) spoke about the initials for our mission:
PPM. (Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission) and changed them into
standing for pray, ponder, meditate. And challenged us to ponder and
meditate for 30 mins each day for the next 30 days. Totally helps me
feel and get in tune with the spirit more. Looking at my personal
prayers...I say them...and then just quickly start to do other things
right afterwards. Like get into bed, or start studying or get in the
car or out of our apartment. I rarely take time afterwards to be still
and to wait and ponder. So that's going to really help me be even more
keen on the spirit.

Guys...the church is true!



hahah DUMB sign....

mission pictures

mission pictures

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