If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, October 13, 2014

Throwing All My Energy


I am doing really well over here in the freezing fall weather of Pennsylvania!
The leaves are beautiful.
Hot chocolate.
I'm freezing but loving wearing my scarfs, hats, and boots.
Fall is the best:)

Arizona has no such thing so it's been cool to experience.

We had the sweetest opportunity to watch "Meet The Mormons" movie last week as a mission.


It's so good and the spirit is present the whole time.
Before my mission I would say I was a pretty emotional...haha and I think my mission has just amplified it even moreeee haha because it made me cry way too much. I am so sensitive when it comes to movies and Music..It was really good and makes me just love being a missionary even more! I like to think of alllll the people who I've been able to teach and who have joined the church and just thinking about their lives like 10 years from now.
.ahh it's pretty overwhelmingly awesome.

The church is true! I can't say that enough.
Like kelly once told me "when you know, you know. And nothing else matters"


I am doing something that is pretty intense but so worth it and good.
I gave myself a goal to start&finish the Book of Mormon in 2 weeks!
I started Saturday and already just have a couple chapters left until I finish 2 Nephi.
37 pages a day(:
It's not even that hard! And I love doing it and it's just a huge spiritual feast for me every morning and night when I read.

This is from "Spiritual Whirlwinds" general conference talk April 2014.

"When President Henry B. Eyring was a teenager, his family moved to a new city. He initially found the move unpleasant and made few friends. He felt like he didn’t fit in with the students in his high school. The whirlwinds were swirling. What did he do? He threw his energy into the Book of Mormon, reading it many times.17 Years later, President Eyring testified: “I [love to] go back to the Book of Mormon and drink deeply and often.”18 “[It] is the most powerful written testimony we have that Jesus is the Christ"

I am throwing all my energy into reading the Book of Mormon just like president Eyring did.
My life has been so incredibly blessed from the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful for it! I know that it is true...all of it. 100% The spirit just pours out of it into your heart as you read and think about its words. I think I took it pretty much for granted before my mission..it is such a special book.

I challenge and invite you to do it with me!
And email and tell me about your experiences with it.

And if you think you don't have time..stop watching tv & make time :)

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers about/for me. They are greatly appreciated.
I love you!


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