If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Good stuff.

Our new companion is sister handy!!
Which is pretty cool because we were companions last year in moorestown, nj :)
We made general conference flyers and handed them out to people. We were at the Delaware River again and the coolest thing happened. We saw Jairon there again! (Meet him like a month ago) he was so happy and excited to see us. (He even took a picture of us to send to his friends haha) we asked if he had read the Book of Mormon and he said no. So we told him we would read it with him now! He said it was in his car so he went and grabbed it and all 4 of us squeezed on this bench facing the Delaware River and read aloud from the Book of Mormon. So awesome! My mission was made right then and there haha. We didn't have a lot of time so we only read alittle but, but he said he would finish the chapter :) I love being a missionary.

So we have a transfer goal of finding and baptizing a family this transfer! We have the faith :)

We called up one of our referrals who wanted a bible and asked him why after we had dropped it off for him. He said he wanted to teach his kids about the bible. So we were like wow that's way cool.....have you heard of the Book of Mormon?? (: haha he said yes and we asked if we could share more about it with him and he said yes! The only time he could meet was this morning so that's where we were this morning. He is so prepared! And very sincere about finding truth. He is excited to read the Book of Mormon and he is Jewish who believes in christ! YAY.

Met some really cool people who also seem prepared for the gospel. We'll see how it turns out.
Met one at a Chinese restaurant. I was so PROUD of sister handy because I had given her a goal to talk to 1 stranger every day about the gospel. While I was ordering my food she had talked to 2 people!! One of them totally knew who we were and wanted to learn more.

We have just been focusing on finding people to teach, so pray for us that we'll find some new investigators!

Please tell me you watched general conference? I DID!

It was so good. So much spiritual goodness. Something I realized as I was watching it was that this general conference was my last one as a missionary! The next one in April I will be homeeee. Craziness...boo.
I think my favorite talk was the one by elder klebingat. Talking about spiritual confidence increasing. I got a lot out of that one. Also elder Scott's about re-prioritizing the things we do in our life. Loved that one!! And is good to remember while we are here and how we should be spending our time.

Love you:)

General confernce was the best <3

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