If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, December 23, 2013


it's Christmas in 2 days!!!!!! I'm so happy:)
Sister Stubbendorf (a member in our ward) is taking me running in the park! while my companions just chill there (because they hate running.....) Literally that's all I want for Christmas is to just run off all my stress and crap I've been eating! Ahhh I'm going to be in heaven(:
We went over to a less active member's house this week
.....here's what went down:
I walk in..and she is sitting shirtless on her couch..luckily i didn't see anything because she was quickly putting her shirt on....After that we had our lesson, got to know her, talked to her about the importance of the Book of Mormon and how she could use it more in her life. After we leave I comment to my companions that it smelt awful in their like cigarets. My companion Sister Handy says "That was NOT cigaret smell....that was MARIJUANA!" Pretty sure we all walked out of their freaking HIGH!!!!!! I mean...I felt great.......hahaha but my companions felt really sick and then I started to feel really sick when we got back to our apartment for the night...hahaha good times being a missionary...

It's POURING so hard right now!!!!!!!!!!!! haha i love the rain I just want to go run around in it..ahh I'm in heaven :)
Before I get anymore crap about not giving a certain someone a shoutout, I will do so now...let's call her L. Olsen...no no...Laura O.hahaha she's the best(: and i love her and she takes good care of us! so thanks CHANCELLOR.
On Friday we had our Christmas Devotional!! And got to watch Ephraim's rescue!! It was so good I cried my little eyes out like the whole time hahaha...I could just feel the Spirit so strong telling me that all the stuff they went through and all the miracles actually happened. If you havent seen it, go watch it! It was so good!

We went over to Bradley's house and met his kids last night! They are so cute(: One of my favorite things to do with kids is have them guess how old I am.
hahaha they said I was 16!!! hahaha and my companion sister maughan...30!!
hahahaha yeah i about peed my skirt when they said that....good times being a missionary(: hey at least i look YOUNG! (:

Never before has Jesus Christ felt more REAL to me in my life than right now. I know for a surety that HE LIVES. I love being a missionary and spending my Christmas as a missionary! Our whole purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ and I think Christmas is an excellent excuse/reason for me to help remind everyone :) hahaha because Christmas is ALL about Christ.
have a good Christmas! see and talk to you guys on WEDNESDAY!!!

ohh and CONGRATS TO my helen keller aka KALIE HARPER for her mission call to
ARGEN-freaking-TINA!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to do awesome kalie :)
i love you!!!!!

love sister manson

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