If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Okay so this week was crazy!! In a good and bad way..
Said goodbye to favorite companion..Sister Menlove..and got another companion!! Still not a duo. Hahah still a trio. Her name is Sister Handy, from Uuuuuuuuuuutah.
I asked her what the most important thing she's learned on her mission so far and she said that she actually has self worth. I look back at her and she has tears in her eyes...Definitely made me want to help her and take her under my wing and help her see how important she is!!
4 out of my 5 companions so far have gone to Utah State...I'm taking that as a sign I need to go there....hahaha.

John 6:66-69
Some of Jesus Christ's disciples "went back and walked no more with him" Christ then turns to the 12 and asks "Will ye also go away?"
And this is why I love Peter because he replies:
"Lord to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."
What a powerful example and testimony we have from Peter. I hope we never turn away from our Savior, but turn to Him.
Saaad news..we don't get our iPads until January now... :( haha lame..oh well.
Gooood news..I got a missionary Facebook!

Feel free to follow me! I can't add any of my friends/family as friends..but everything I do is public so you can see it, so feel free to look at it and see how I'm doing (:
My district leader, Elder Hellyer shared 2 things with me that are really cool that he read in a book, that the Savior laughed and smiled alot! Isn't that cool? I've never thought about that before..
and the other thing is that whenever he would have a bad day and want to come home, he would think about Jesus Christ. What would have happened to all of us if the Savior just packed up and left because things got too hard? Pretty powerful!!!!

So Bradley (one of our investigators) came to church yesterday!! He's literally the best. He's so humble and I love helping him learn more about the gospel and about Jesus Christ and help him to feel the love and forgiveness from Him.

Etta (our recent convert) and her son Wayne want to adopt all of us because they are sick of the missionaries getting transferred all the time. haha and Wayne said he got a PERM one time that made him look like George Washington!! hahhaah i about died right then and there.
So have you ever thought about why we even have the Book of Mormon? what's it's purpose? Read Jacob 4 and Mormon 8!
Those 2 chapters are SOLID at answering that question.
I can't believe it's almost CHRISTMAS!! And then it'll be 2014! So crazy...

love sister manson (:

fun lunch with some of the people we teach! (:

my new companion! Sister Handy, Sister Maughan and meee

I love the Book of Mormon (:

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