If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, February 17, 2014

Spiritual Drop

So....I am at MCDONALDS right now! Hahaha on my iPad. Yay for free Micky D's wifi:)
Gotta love it.

D&C 88&73 is such a cool scripture. The Lord is really hastening his work! Evidence of the age change and being able to use Facebook, and now iPads to help hasten the work in these areas.
We love using them:) we've shown a lot of Mormon messages in the middle of our lessons on our iPads! It's so sweet:) we've been sharing the Mormon message called "daughters of god" with some of the sisters here, and it's such a powerful video and makes me feel good about myself haha so if you've never seen it before you should watch it! It's really good and gets you pumped!
So D&C 4 is the famous missionary section in D&C...but D&C 6 is (in my opinion) WAY 10x better than section 4. Verse 13 struck me hard. "There is no greater gift than the gift of salvation"
As missionaries our whole purpose is to invite others to come into Christ and to help them gain their salvation. There is no greater gift than that, and that's pretty cool to be apart of that for people :) yay for missionary work! Haha

K so I'm like so done with the snow! Haha like seriously...it's ridiculous and needs to stop! We have so much snow here...and the city doesn't even know where to put it all! I've seen cars completely buried under the snow!! Haha pretty intense..I'll send pics next week of it.

Happy late valentines day:)
Valentines day as a sister missionary is pretty exciting.....no cute boys for me! Hahahaha..

This transfer is going by so fast..which is really sad because my time being comps with sister steadman is dwindling! She will probably get transferred because she's been here for 6 months!

We are still trying to find people to teach.
"If you want to teach more people..talk to more people!"
That's what we've been doing recently! Just talking to everyone we see about the gospel and how it can bless there lives.

We went and visited sister hall a less active member. She was really distraught and flustered because of some things that went wrong that day for her. We came over and sang hymn 193 I stand all amazed. Almost immediately you could notice a change in her. That's one of my favorite things about singing hymns for people. It causes a SPIRITUAL DROP!
..kinda like a bass drop in dub-step music..haha but in spirit form:) hahaha I crack myself up...my district leader in my last area came up with that. Genius huh? I like to think so....Lolz.

Singing hymns is such a great way to invite the spirit into the homes of the people here, it's one of my favorite things to do. The spirit comes so strong! And sister hall could definitely feel it and was her feelings of frustration were replaced with peace! The spirit works wonders for people :)

Recently I've been studying how I can better represent my savior Jesus Christ everyday.
----> reverence!
Me and sister steadman have a lot of fun together...hahaha which is good!(: But I am trying to be more reverent in my calling and purpose..in everything! My thoughts, my actions, my behavior...etc.
I found a lot of good talks about it and I want to try to be better at that:)

Sundays are always the best days.
We had a really neat experience with Kelly!
We were talking about patriarchal blessings. It was really good and definitely guided by the spirit. She started opening up to us and telling us how alone she felt and that she's angry and frustrated with a lot of things. She shared with us this as she was crying, and immediately the talk called "cast not away therefore your confidence" by Jeffery r holland popped into my mind. Because it talks a lot about how satan tries really hard right before and after we make a really good spiritual decision. So we read a little bit of that talk with her.

Before Joseph smith had the first vision and saw Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, satan tried to overpower him. After Moses saw and talked with god face to fave, satan came and tried to have Moses worship him. And with Kelly right after her baptism satan is trying to weaken her faith and testimony. But Heavenly Father knows this. "I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning" (D&C 10:43)
Which is really comforting! Because we know how to fight back against satan.
Doing the simple things everyday...praying, and reading scriptures. So simple! Yet sometimes difficult to do. I think the most important thing to do in those types so situations is to be confident and faithful! Don't look back and keep moving forward.
Once we loose our confidence and faith in Christ..it's pretty easy to fall.

Have a good week everyone!
I love you(:

Love sistermanson 

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