If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy black history monthhhh

We are LOVIN our iPads(: they're amazing at bringing in the spirit quickly.

So recently I've been studying the Atonement in hopes to understand it
alittle more.
I've found a really cool quote that I will share with you(:

"Any increase in our understanding of his atoning sacrifice draws us
closer to Him"

We had lunch with Kelly this week. At this cute little place called
"Sunflower Cafe"
She's amazing, and a total testimony builder to me. Such a great
example of faith. She's been having a really hard time...but we've
been really trying to help her understand and know to just keep
pushing forward.

We had a crazy miracle happen. Randomly we got a text message saying
we have 2 referrals! Bethann and Margaret, given to us by their uncle
who is a Bishop in South Carolina.

With only his first name and last initial...combined with my FB
stalking skillz acquired from miss Kalie Harper <3 we found him!! and
got his phone number and called him to get some more info on the
people he sent. Hahaha #MissionaryStalkingSkillzAtItsFinest (;
We left him a voicemail since he didn't answer....and later he called
us back!! I am so excited to teach these 2 women. He shared that they
are sisters and their mom has just passed away a couple weeks ago. We
had planned to teach the restoration, but with that knowlege, we
switched to teach the plan of salvation to them! To help answer their
questions of where their mom is.

We had an appt with Margaret but when we got their she was really
sick..so we are going to try again this week. Keep us and them in your
prayers so that we can give her some comfort.

I feel like I've meet SO MANY PEOPLE in my life/on my mission so far
that I've been able to help by sharing my experiences and my testimony
to help with their love ones passing away. I met one of my friends in
college whose mom had passed away only a year ago. Lena in my last
area mom had died too. Chuck and Ella's baby had only lived 11 days
before passing away, and now Bethann and Margaret. I'm so glad for my
trials/struggles because I get to now help other people who are going
through the same/similar ones.

We had a really powerful lesson with Eric and Lori about the Book of
Mormon. The spirt was really strong and both me and sister steadman
bore our testimonies about the Book of Mormon. Eric asked us a really
interesting question, one that I've been thinking a lot about.
"What's the purpose of the Book of Mormon? Why do we need it?"
I've been studying that topic ever since and have found some really
good talks that helps answer this question...because I've never
honestly thought about why we have it and what's its purpose is other
than it being another testament of Jesus Christ. It's so much more
I've been realizing as I've been studying about it. So that's been
really cool :)

We called one of our potential investigators to invite her to come to
church. She's kind of slow..and literally it took us 19 mins to get
her to understand the address...here's what went down as we tried
spelling it out for her:
"Wait hold on...what?"
"Wait hold on"
"Hold on, what?

Hahahahah 19 minutes of this....I kid you not! But she eventually got
it (: #EndureToTheEnd

I was ON THE FLOOR silently laughing my little heart out listening to
this conversation that was taking place between us. #GoodTimes

Ahhh start of week 6! This transfer is coming to an end..no! :( I'm
like 1000% confident sister steadman will get transferred because
she's been here forever. We find out Friday who stays and who goes.

This next week in MARCH is going to be crazy...
**March 3 start of new transfer
**March 4 I hit my 6th month mark!!!!!!!!!
**March 6....unfortunately against my will I will be turning 20!
Hahha..so gross. So old.

Man..I love being a missionary so much! It's amazing. :)

Have a good week
Sent from my iPad <----- hahaha I'm keeping that! Yay for the iPad <3

Happy black history month! We celebrated and took gangster pics (:
Lolz #LivinTheLife

Love sistermanson

me and sister steadman in an igloo!!

and crazy pjs a member gave us.......they're huge on me!!

happy black history month! we celebrated by dressing up as gangsters.
..........hahhha gotta keep life interesting and fun on a mission(:

cool mural! 

cool mural! 

 us and kelly at a cute sunflower cafe

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