If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hangin with YANG

Sooo last Monday we had a really awesome FHE lesson with the Seidel family.
Brother and Sister Seidel are members, his dad is not.
His father, Wayne is 92 years old--the cutest old man I. Have. Ever. Seen.
We decided to talk about General Conference. And we started off by
singing the hymn: "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet"
hahaha funniest moment of my life...K here's what went down:
Me and Sister Cox pull out our handy dandy iPads to pull up the lyrics to the hymn. Brother Seidel has it pulled up on his phone. Wayne didn't know the song so I gave him my iPad to use (mistake on my part...lol) Lesson I learned:


We started singing the song and he had no idea how to use it. He would try to scroll it down but it would do something else and before we even finished the 1st verse he yells "gosh darn it. I don't know what happened" haha so we pause and I go and fix it for him. We continue singing. This happens again. We pause. I go and fix it for him. By the end of the hymn everyone is just cracking up watching him try to work the iPad. Hahahaha good times with the old people. (:

Tuesday = highlight miracle of my whole entire mission.

We finally-after 3 weeks of trying to get in contact with her-met with BETHANN! We taught her the Plan of Salvation. She shared with us at the end that we caught her at the PERFECT time. Usually she works Tuesday nights, but her boss cancelled her that day. Like..whaaaat?! We shared with her that we specifically planned our e.n.t.i.r.e. day up near her area (because its pretty far of a drive) and we didn't want to waste miles by just going up there for her, not even knowing if we would get see her. Heavenly Father definitely wanted us to see her that day. In all my prayers I always ask Heavenly Father for us to see the people that HE would want us to see that day. It always works out. It was such a powerful lesson. The spirit was so evident, and we took the time to point that her too. We also talked about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and left one with her and she said she would read the introduction. We had a return appointment for tonight at 6, but she had to cancel because her daughter is in the hospital :( so we will see her next week sometime..
It was really cool though. She didn't seem too excited to see us when she opened the door..but at the end of the lesson when we said goodbye..her face was g.l.o.w.i.n.g. literally she looked so happy and a complete 180. She shared how great she felt after our lesson too.
Shes funny too. Said I had a baby face.................haha. and then asked how old I was. I said 20! and then asked why she said that. she said "you just seem so wise, but so young too"
Thank you bethann :)
Aka........the SPIRIT :) Her uncle (who referred her to us) lives in south Carolina and we are going to Skype him into our lessons!

I love doing the LORD'S work.

So a member of the ward took us out to eat after our lesson with them and one of our investigators. We went to Japanese restaurant. Sooo happy to eat SUSHI. I was in heaven. We met Yang there! She was our waitress and we gave her our phone number on a Mormon. org card. She is from Tibet! but grew up in India and is in America for 3 years to work. Her English is pretty good and she asked to hang out with us. Hahaha we were like sure!
Hang..........aka teach you about Jesus Christ (: So that will be exciting, since she is a Buddhist.

Church was really good. We stopped by jill (totally unplanned) and she was home and let us inside! #hollah

We taught her the restoration again and invited her to be baptized(: She said she would pray about it. Yay. She also said she feels like she's in heaven whenever we come by and talk to her.

All my future missionary friends out thereeeeee: go and google the 4th Missionary talk given by Lawrence E. Corbridge written in June 2002. It's pretty long but soooo good. Make sometime to read it as you are preparing to serve your missions! It will help tremendously. Print it out and take it with you on your mission so you can re-read it through out your mission to remind you of the missionary you want to be. #BeThe4thMissionary

anyways..happy St. Patricks day!! I'm not wearing green....haha

love sister manson :)
true missionary (: haha me and sister cox found these
 SWEET face masks at our second home........aka MICKEY D'S. 

true missionary (: haha me and sister cox found these 
SWEET face masks at our second home........aka MICKEY D'S. 

true missionary (: haha me and sister cox found these
 SWEET face masks at our second home........aka MICKEY D'S. 

us and Kelly!

taken at the purdys house (:

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