If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

6 months!

This week is going to be the craziest ever!

Here's what's on the agendaaaa:
MONDAY: start of transfer 5! marks my 6th month serving(:
WEDNESDAY: going to transfers! RIP steadmanson..Sister steadman is getting transferred :( which means........I'M taking over the area! after only being here for 6 weeks! I barely know my way around...i just bought a GPS so we're all good(; getting a new companion. ***Please pray she is nice***
THURSDAY: my birthday........turning 20!..gross

yeah pretty crazy stuff. haha, I'm just shocked I'm taking over the area! It's pretty intimidating..but i can totally do it(: It's been really cool because either during or right after I get done praying I get random thoughts flashing into my head, that give me comfort. D&C 6:36 was one of them, and I randomly found this talk on the gospel library app "Now is a time for faith, not fear" I read that, it was so good and exactly what I needed to read(: Heavenly Father definitely answers all my prayers/fasts. It's really neat to see that! He likes to remind me that I can totally do it!

K back to my.....6th MONTH MARK! ahhhh so crazy. It's flyin byy!
I decided to be cute and write myself a letter to open on my 6th month mark. (I wrote it back in October to myself to remind myself of why I'm serving and what type of missionary I wanted to be) So I get to open and read that tomorrow, and then after I read it, I'm going to write myself another one! to open on my 9th month mark(:

and you're not gonna believe what happened this week.

I'VE CHANGED SO MUCH! i didn't even realized how much I've changed.
here's what went down:
we were at district meeting and a sister missionary leans over to me and sister steadman and tells us a really inappropriate joke.
and K keep in mind old me would have laughed my little head off..
but new me...it made me so MAD. I was like are you serious right now?? why would you say that? we're missionaries! c'mon....
I kept that all to myself and just pretended to not understand the joke, and didn't even laugh at all!
I was like whoa......that's so not like me! but yeah so crazy huh? because all I did in my pre-mish life was make funny dumb inappropriate jokes. 24/7 literally, i like lived for those type of jokes.
YUP. not anymore. they're not funny.

pretty crazy right?

We've seen a lot of miracles this past week(:
we were FINALLY able to get in and see some potential investigators and teach the restoration to them!
Sister Lew a really super less active member CAME TO CHURCH!! this sunday! She brought her mom too, who is super against the church and they both came! We were so happy. We were walking down the hall, and I saw her about to go in the chapel with her walker (she broke her FEMUR!) and i legitimately raaaaan to her and gave her a hug(: because h.o.n.e.s.t.l.y. she was LAST person I thought would come to church. We invited her to come multiple times and tried to stress it again this week when we met with her and she was kind of iffy about it, but she totally came(:

and OKAY coolest thing ever. A real life spiritual discernment moment happened.
So at the beginning of this transfer we went to a sports morning at church and a random less active member showed up (sister steadman had never really met her before) and we were playing LAX together, and randomly IDK why (SPIRIT) but we asked her if she knew anyone that would want to quit smoking because we teach a really cool easy program that helps people to quit smoking. And she answers that no not really I don't know anyone. So we're like oh okay, and continued to play. Here's the COOL part
K so like a whole MONTH later we had dinner with this same less active member (last night) and towards the end she brings up that she wanted to know more about the quit smoking program because SHE HERSELF was struggling with it. like what??! so crazy. We had no idea that she was smoking. And it felt really random to ask her that question forever ago, but it was totally relevant and definitely lead by the spirit!


I love moments like these that help us to see that Heavenly Father truely knows His children and will guide us to help them if we follow the promptings of the spirit.

Me and sister steadman went running everyday last week. It was h.e.a.v.e.n.l.y and MUCH needed<3
I miss running and swimming....but I will do it when i get back!

So have any of you heard of MacKenzie Tolk?? I'm obsessed with her music(: she's amazing. Go youtube some of her music. Especially
"beautiful savior" and "how can I keep from singing?"

lyrics that stood out to me from how can i keep from singing:

"I life my eyes the cloud grows thin. I see the blue above it, and day by day this pathway smooths, since first i learned to love it. The peace that Christ makes fresh my heart, a fountain ever springing. All things are mine since I am His. How can I keep from singing?"

It's so good. (:
Missions are hard...but day by day the pathway smooths since I learned to love it!! Remember that all my future missionary friends (:

I was reading in Mosiah 5 this morning. such a good chapter. It talked about taking upon ourselves the name of Christ through baptism. And i was thinking about that, and as missionaries....we LITERALLY get to take Christ's name upon ourselves. I wear HIS name on my chest everyday.
"JESUS CHRIST" right in the middle center of my name tag.

And I am so proud to do so.

love you(:

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