If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Doing It For The Sushi

Last Monday after we got off, Sister Gordyichuck took us to C.O.S.T.C.O.!!! the holy land<3

ahhh i was in heaven..bought a huge thing of cereal and chips&salsa. (yeah that's pretty much all I'm living off of hahah)

So I made a cute bracelet that has 2 beads on it that say "LY" sister cox has been trying for dayzz to figure out what it says. But I will tell you all what it stands for hahaha...
LY stands for LOSE YOURSELF #inthework

I wear it everyday to remind myself WHY I'm here and WHAT I'm doing and HOW I should be doing it.

So we finally got a lesson with a lady who we have been trying for like 2 months to try to get in and have a lesson with her, but she's always busy and not home. I did the WATER APPROACH.
k here's what went down:
we knock on the door
she answers!
she of course comes up with excuses as to why she can't meet with us
i then ask her if i can have a drink of water because I am really really thirsty
She lets us right in!! haha I drank the water slowly and we were able to talk about the book of Mormon and sing "I believe in Christ" for her.
#WaterApproach (; yeeeeeeeeahh.

Had interviews with our mission president. He said something that really stood out to me

"Don't go through your mission. Let your mission GO THROUGH you"

We had a lesson with a less active member, Sister Flowers. She is so cute and funny. She tells me 2 things. First that I wear too much mascara....(sorry my eyelashes are just long) hahaha and "You got the glow!" hahahah so funny (:

Went and sang hymns with Kelly at a retirement home. haha they loved it. it was cute because they sang along with us!


HOWARD! So we were driving from the church to go see some members for dinner(we ate Stromboli, it was pretty good!) we were going to get there like 15 mins early so I was trying to think of something productive we could do. Sister Cox suggested that we get gas...........I politely said no and tried looking for something else, like some potentials we could go see or talk to people who are outside. So I drive down this one road. Nothing. Make a turn. Nothing. (keep in mind that it's like pouring RAIN outside during this time) I say a little silent pleading prayer for someone to be put in our path to talk to. Go to a stop sign. Looked to the right.......and there is a man walking away from us on the sidewalk! We hurry and park the car and try to go talk to him, except he got away to fast, but ANOTHER man was walking toward us. So we started talking to him...got to know him, gave him a book of Mormon...IN THE RAIN!! and powerfully bore testimony on the peace that it has brought me. He said he is going to read it and we are seeing him again on Wednesday!! Wow. K..that taught me a few things. First of all the Heavenly Father totally puts people in your path IF He sees you are willing to act and talk to them. Second of all, you have to have faith! When heavenly father sees we're willing to act and have faith to do it, then miracles will come.

So me and Sister Cox are teaching ENGLISH to some Japanese/Chinese people that we met at a restaurant. And one of the person is the sushi chef.........aka FREE SUSHI for us!!!! #hollahhhhhh I'm down!! Totally doing it for the sushi (; Crazy things I get me and my comp into........lol

uhh how do i teach English??? any suggestions.....? it's happening tomorrow........this shall be fun.

Yesterday at church we sang "Be Still My Soul" and this phrase really HIT me

"In every change, He faithful will remain"

It's so comforting to know that through all the changes that happen in our lives or new/unknown situations Heavenly Father can be and will be a CONSTANT in our lives. I have definitely seen that throughout my life and especially during my mission, for me and for all the investigators and converts I have been working with.

Kelly got her temple recommend yesterday!! Soooo excited for her (:

Good week behind me, and another good week ahead of me

love you!

love sistermanson

 funny masks at a relief society party!

sister gordyichuck made these for us this morning!!
it tasted like CHEESECAKE!! <3 I was in heavenn

our lovely car in the Ghettooo.

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