If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Can't Stop Smilinnng

Survived my first car accident this morning
(More on that later though)
just so ya know
..the family of possums survived..

K so we spent 2 HOURS in Micky D's waiting for our car to be inspected for it's yearly insurance stuff. I saw this girl who looked really familar who we saw at Clusters (feeding the homeless) she was sitting in mcdonalds! I really wanted to go and talk to her, but I didn't get the chance to..
super bummed.
Rebecca and Stan officially
In order to support them me and sister cox gave up
We've been 6 days strong! haha
It's rough..
we gave away allllll our candy to rebecca and stan so they could eat it
instead of smoking lol.
Told everyone we'd be
(which means going through withdrawls hahah)
So we were planning to eat dinner at 6
but didn't till 8pm that night!
The place we wanted to eat at was closed...
So we were walking back to our car when we see this old lady
waiting for the bus
We go and talk to her(:
She was crazy..
After that we again started walking back to our car
When we see this guy and girl so we go and
talk to them
Super cool.
Both live in center city Philly
"The Hood"
(his exact words)
They both said Pottstown is alot
than philly
which made me laugh because Pottstown scares me!
It's growing on me though
After that it started to
POUUUUR rain so we ran back to our car
and then i saw a girl walking into a house
Guess who it was??
So i shout to sister cox to turn around
as we are frantically running in the rain
that we need to talk to her.
Hahaha so we go and knock on the door and
we got the opportunity to share the gospel and give them a
book of mormon! Super cool

I'm still obsessed with
The more i do it the more people i find!
It's amazing the spirit you feel when you do family history!
Anyone who reads this better log into familysearch.org
right now
and start doing it!
it's so easy and fun(: haha

We had a fun time singing hymns at a retirement center
It's cute because the old people sing with us
love it.

So i have a goal to finish the Book of Mormon by
June 4th!
Which is my 9 month mark
so crazy to even say that...

**fun fact**
did you know that if you read 5 pages of the Book of Mormon erryday
you would be able to finish it 3 times by the end of the

Ever heard of the saying..
"Flirt to Convert"
Me and Sister Cox were made aware that it was
National Free Pretzel Day
(April 26)
So we excitedly went to philly pretzel factory to get ourselves
our FREE pretzels
We get in and there's a lot of people
We start talking and sharing how we're missionaries and stuff we do.
It was pretty crowded so we got our pretzels and spliiiit.
Hopped over next door and ate our pretzels
About 30 mins later...
One of the workers comes in and walks over to us
and says while handing me a note
"I'm sorry..i'm really bad at this..."
and just walks away
Me and Sister cox just stare at each other
not knowing what to say
I quickly read the note...
Here's what it said
(i took a pic of it too and it's now taped into my journal)

"Extremely Beautiful Girl,
I'm sorry if this may be too forward
but i hope maybe we could get to
know one another.
Text me at....My name is Gary"


I wish this would happen to me when i wasn't a missionary..
I didn't want to be mean so we texted him.
DON'T WORRY parents..
I quickly and straight forward told him that
we don't date as missionaries
and I would be more than happy to help him get to know
instead of me

Turns out he had met with the missionaries once before!
(years ago)
We're giving him a Book of Mormon this week.

Rebecca our investigator who quit smoking said this to us

"Ever since I stopped smoking..


I've met with and taught a lot of different people on my mission so far
and rebecca and stan are so special to me!
So happy for them and excited for their baptism
next sunday!!
May 4th

I've seen like 3 street cleaners in the past week
which makes me really happy because it makes me think
and remember Brenna!
Because she loved them haha

We ate dinner at rebecca and stan's house last night
Ate it on the couch while we watched general conference together!
I felt right at home
haha forgot how much i missed chilling on the couch eating and watching a movie at home...good times


Have a good week(:
Love you all!

about the car accident...
a school bus was on the other side and so the car in front of me braked really fast so i had to too and i swerved and hit the back of his car
>don't worry though<
he was super nice and his car wasn't even damaged
our car just has a few scrapes
There was no possum family..
I just like to blame it on them hahaha
but if there was a possum family i would
have saved them.



creepy note this guy gave me.......hahaha

nice note someone left us......
we're always leaving our keys in the lock 
outside our door..i forget hahaha




rebecca and her kids! (: 

sister hall! a cute old lady we read scriptures with (:

sang hymns at a retirement center!

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