If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, July 28, 2014

Pizza- a verb.

I'll discuss later why I named this blog entry after pizza (:
I slacked on writing in my journal this past week.....
So many good things have happened.
I think I can honestly say this is my favorite transfer! I love the
ward here so much. I love my companion, and I love how hard we're
working and all the blessings and miracles we're seeing together.
Last Monday we went to New Hope, PA. The cutest town with a bunch of
cute little shops...I was on heaven. Went to the best ice cream place
I've ever been to..called: NINA'S. <3 I need to go backkkkkk.
Spent a whole day with sister menlove(: ohhhhhhhh happy day!
It was so nice to see her again. Little does she know...she helped me
so much in the beginning of my mission because I was struggling really
hard! But man I'm so happy to be here on my mission. Things are going
gooood. And even on the rough days I am still happy knowing I'm doing
the Lord's work.

Me and sister menlove woke up at 6am to go running. It was heavenly.
and me and sister wright have been waking up at 6am everyday since to
go running(: we figured we're already tired so waking up an extra half
hour won't kill us. Hahah #sacrifice. And actually..I feel like I have
a lot more energy throughout the day...and then crash at night time
but that's okay(: #whatevz #yolo

Sister menlove had previous served here in morrisville, so that was
extremely helpful having her here, because I still don't know a lot of
things about the area, so she was able to help me a ton.

We met a member who was baptized in a lake! #whatthe? Jealousss.

We have a Book of Mormon class every Sunday night for all the recent
converts and it's like my favorite thing ever. We all get to get her
and read a couple chapters from the Book of Mormon. It's so powerful
and the spirit is always so strong. It's really neat to see in the
moment someone's testimony get stronger and being able to see and help
them feel the Holy Ghost. Last night we were reading 2 Nephi 1&2 best
chapters ever. Talking about the plan of salvation! 2nephi 2:8 stood
out to me so hard. "How great the importance to make these things
known unto the inhabitants of the earth..." YEAH. since being on my
mission I've always had the feeling of needing and wanting to share
the gospel. But ever since coming to this area...I feel almost a sense
of urgency and anxiousness to share the gospel to literally everyone I
see! Idk if it's the area I'm in...or if missionary work finally
clicked in my brain haha but I've never felt this type of
desperateness to do it before! (#desperatedesperateimreallydesperate(;

I sometimes forget that we're going to be late to our next appointment
because I start talking to the people I see!
Me and sister wright have seen a lot of success by working with former
We met with a former investigator for the first time Friday, and she
now has a baptism date for October! It was really a cool situation. We
walk into her home and we see her and instantaneously I just felt this
automatic love for her. Missions are the best. I just love and care
about so many people I've met so far.

Me and sister wright have been asking people we see 2 questions.
1) If you could ask for help with anything, what would it be?
And 2) If you could ask God for help with anything, what would it be?
It's pretty neat hearing peoples responses to that question. And it
makes it easier to bring up the gospel to them(:

Here's the sweetest tender mercy ever: we get a phone call from the
bishops wife telling us about someone she knows who called her and
shared that she's met with missionaries before, and didn't join the
church then..but now she is ready and wants to join the church!! Like
uhh what???! I feel like this particular missionary who wrote to his
mission president saying:
"President we put in the contacting hours. We didn't get the contacts
from tracting, but they came to us from completely unexpected sources.
It's almost as though they fell from the trees or sky. Surely they
came from The Lord. Look to The Lord for your blessings. He alone is
the giver or every good and perfect gift"
Hurrrrrah for Israel. We have an appointment with her Tuesday :)

I saw this really pretty yellow car in the parking lot. I told the
owner that I liked it and she's like oh thanks. I asked what the name
of the color and she said
"Good question..I would say the color of bird s**t"
Hahahahah I about died. Wasn't expecting that
And uhhh yo I thought bird poop was white and black??

Lemme explain my title now...
Pizza makes me happy.
{Probably as happy as I am when I'm climbing things or running...and
sharing the gospel}
I could seriously eat pizza everyday..all day. IM NOT JOKING.
So you can imagine just exactly HOW happy pizza makes me right? -If
I'm willing and have a desire to eat it all the time. I thought it
would be a good title because it describes perfectly me these past
couple weeks.
Here's a new dictionary definition for ya:

Pizza: verb. (Pēstā) //used to describe ones happiness. Used as a
synonym for joy or pure delight. Example: "sister manson is feeling so
much pizza these past couple weeks" or "sister manson can't contain
her pizza!"

I'm sister manson. I love pizza. I love being a sister missionary. I
know this church is true.
And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ amen!

Btw...we have raccoons in the church building haha like no
joke..seriously in the walls!
I'm waiting for the day they fall from the ceiling during sacrament meeting.
We have raccoons in our apartment walls too haha we hear them scurry
occasionally throughout the day/nights. Gooooood times...lol.



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