If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Potential & Juicy Fruit

Don't have a lot of time today...but I'll share some cool things that
happened this week,

We stopped by a lady we teach and just as pull in to park she was
walking out to her car to leave. So we were like aw man....But then we
decided to go stop by another lady we teach who lives close by. We get
to the door and her roommate answers(Denise) She lets us in and goes
to get her. Denise comes back downstairs and says that she didn't want
to talk to us then. So again we were like dang it.. We would always
ask denise if she wanted to stay and listen while we talked to her
roommate but she always turned us down.
But this time we felt like asking Denise again if she would be
interested in listening to us. She said yes!! And the whole time we
were talking she kept saying like she felt something was missing in
her life, and felt like there was something more. She shared that she
actually felt like coming down to listen to us when we would go over
but never did. The spirit was so strong..We told her about Joseph
smith and the Book of Mormon. She definitely felt the spirit, and we
invited her to come to church Sunday and to be baptized. She said yes
without hesitation. It is just so cool how Heavenly Father works to
lead us to people who are prepared to hear and accept the restored
gospel. Because we didn't even plan to stop by that house, but the way
things worked out, we ended up there!

Fast Sundays are always the best. We taught Kelly about the plan of
salvation. And it was so cool because we all were able to feel the
love Heavenly Father had for us.

We meet with a 70 year old blind women. We came to see her and she is
standing by a table in her house wearing a shirt and a white
diaper/underwear of some sort...hahahaha and chewing this HUGE wad of
yellow gum #juicyfruit
Good times being a missionary(;

The woman's broadcast was really good, I hope everyone was able to
watch it. I just felt like I need to hear some of the stuff they
talked about. Particularly about potential. I feel like I have so much
potential as a missionary and daughter of god. Sometimes that is hard
to see though, so it's good to be reminded that Heavenly Father sees
our oh-so great and eternal potential.

Another cool story
We drove all the way out to the BOONIES (aka super far away) to go see
a former investigator who used to meet with missionaries. We get there
and it's like 5:45pm. And Kelly calls us, and asks if we're still
coming to dinner. Haha we were like yeah at 6:30 right? She's like
uhhhhh guys no it's supposed to be at 5:30. Me and sister cox were
like ohhhhhhhh craaap. -_-
So we don't even get out of the car to knock on the door, and we hurry
and drive to go eat dinner. Hahaha. Which btw was so yummy-thanks
Kelly! (;
We went again a couple days later to that same house, and we met this
girl names Jessie! She is so cool, she's 17 and wants to study
ministering. What 17 year old wants to do that?? None of them..except
Jessie. Haha we met her and I shared with her my Mormon.org profile.
She really liked it and I'm excited to start teaching her about the
Book of Mormon and how much peace that can be in her life. Can you
say: #futuremissionary? YES.
But it didn't click to me until putting these two stories together
that maybe if we would have knocked the first time, we would not have
met Jessie. Maybe someone else would have knocked in the door and
would have told us they were not interested. Then we would have never
met Jessie!
Heavenly Father knows what he's doing (: #trustinhistiming !!!

Have a good week. Y'all better watch GENERAL CONFERENCE.
It's like Christmas for us missionaries (;


Love you! Sistermanson
i love wyatt hoffman (; 
 and we buy cats!! lolz

we volunteer at a thrift store, 
and we found this GIGANTIC size 50 pants.
 i literally was able to fit in ONE pant leg! (:

and our fun district (: haha

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