If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Because of Him

Me and Sister Cox had a cool experience while we were out running one morning(:
I was running and she was walking behind me. I passed this alley way and saw a lady walking out of the door. sister cox was a little ways behind me so i was like man i hope she talks to her!! I looked behind me and they are BOTH walking together talking(: #perfect

They talked for a while and then i turned around and started to walk with them too. We walked with her for like 10 minutes just talking about what we do and then exchanged #'s! It was so awesome. Missionary work at 6:30 in the morning (:

So i watched the coolest video ever. Called "Because of Him" and if you haven't seen it yet, Youtube it RIGHT NOW. The first time i watched it i got chillz and felt so much love. It made me tear up. It's a super powerful video and I've watched it like 20+ times haha. I've been showing it to errybody like crazy and it's really cool to watch them watch it and see what they think and feel about it.

So Kelly has been really into doing Family History and so has this cute old lady we visit, Sister Driscoll and they both have really inspired me to start working on mine! I've never been into doing it. (Kelly went to the temple for the first time to do baptisms!!!) She brought with her like 40+ NAMES from her family and did their baptisms. So awesome. I found a couple people from my family and she took their names with her to the temple to do their baptisms! Then I found 12 more people who all haven't been baptized yet! So either they'll have to wait until i get home to do, or I can give them to my family for them to do! But dang..can't really express it, but I love doing family history work now. I don't get to spend alot of time doing it...but when i get home the only things I'll be doing are running and swimming, catching up on my PRETTY LITTLE LIARS <3 and doing my family history. hahaha

We work in the ghetto city..POTTSTOWN<3 and people always stare at us and whistle/holler at us sometimes......it's like they've never seen 2 white-blonde-haired-blue-eyed-girls wearing skirts before.......hahah. we just walk fast, and keep our car doors locked. Good times(:
Don't worry, we are safe!

Okay..and it's a little overwhelming and sad right now...It seems like everyone right now is struggling .B.I.G. time
smoking, not feeling loved, anxiety, feeling alone, marriage probs, financial probs..
alot of people just cry right in front of us and i try to bear my testimony to help them but it's sad to see people like that..I know heavenly father loves all his sons and daughters, but man some people have it really rough. I am just so grateful to have the gospel in my life. It stinks though because I can't really help any of them! that's really frustrating...but I get to teach them the gospel and that's what will really help them the most so i guess that's good.
but yeah the past couple days everyone we've seen has just been hammered with crazy stuff. And like the crazy thing is that they are all trying so hard to be good but satan is fighting the heck out of them....ihatesatan. -_-

2 of our investigators have their baptism date for May 4! They are so awesome, but the only thing holding them back is that they smoke. We're working really hard with them to help them to stop..but they are really struggling with alot of different things. And it's so sad, keep them in your prayers that they can have strength to stop smoking.

Funny story for ya:
Went visiting teaching with a older lady in our ward. She picks up around 2:15 I SPECIFICALLY ask if i should bring my GPS so we don't get lost, but she insisted she didn't need it so i was like....alright. #Mistake. The sisters we were visiting teaching live really far so we got there at like 3. Talk give a good spiritual lesson, goodbyes and leave. We were talking and before i know it....we were lost!! we ended up in Phoenixville!...Not even in our area boundaries......so we're like ahhhh crap. Don't have my GPS, and i have no idea where we are...luckily we called kelly and told her where we were and she gave us directions to get home haha. We got home at like 5:25!! super frustrating........but good laughs haha.

We had a cool opportunity to have a mini missionary with us! she spent like 2 days with us to get a missionary experience. She was 16! I was so impressed by her. I don't think when I was 16 I could have gone out with the missionaries like she did and bear my testimony to strangers. She's from center city PHILLY! haha she was so funny and cute. Teaching me and Sister Cox all the "Philly Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang"
Here's some of the cool ones I learned:

Bean: 100%/real "Want me to keep it bean? I like you!
***Poppin':good/crazy "That party was poppin' (my personal favroite one...i use this phrase whenever i get the chance to)
Got me chopped: twisted "She though she could play me...got me chopped!"
Check: die "my about to check"
Mugga: money$$ "he got muggggga!"
Irk: annoy "you're irkin me..."
In a box: kill someone/dead "Imma put him in a box if he comes home late again"
In my bag: to get extremely angry "Leave me alone. I'm in my bag right now!"
Joe; overly excited "Yo...calm down you being extra Joe"
Jawn: person, place or thing "See that jawn over there? Pickup that jawn for me. Where is my jawn at?" (errybody and their mom uses this one......)

I love you! hope you had a good easter weekend.
Start thinking of some of the things that are possible #becauseofHim and make a list and add to it whenever you find/think of knew ones.
It's been really neat to think about because I've never really thought of that before. I knew about Christ and what he did for all of us, but thinking like this helps me realize that the Atonement and everything Christ did for us is SO MUCH MORE than what I thought it was.

#becauseofHim I understand the depth of my purpose.
#becauseofHim despair becomes hope.
#becauseofHim we can start again and again and again.
#becauseofHim and through Him, I can always have comfort and peace in my life
#becauseofHim all of our losses will be made up. Everything will be made right in the end.
#becauseofHim there will be a resurrection for us all and we can live with Him for all eternity
#becauseofHim all is well
#becauseofHim we all live and our possibilities are endless
#becauseofHim we never have to feel or be alone
#becauseofHim the grave has no victory
#becauseofHim death has no sting


(Us and Sister Driscoll!!) 

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