If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Check Yo-self

This week was so much


We got a referral on Monday and decided to stop by. Here's what went down:

We knock on the door.
Someone opens the door.
"Hi is Harry there?"
They close the door.
They open the door again.
"Um..hello is Harry home?"
Closes the door again.
Opens the door again and a shirtless h.e.a.v.y man comes out and says "I am Harry"
We talked for a couple seconds then he goes back inside to put a hoodie on because it's pretty cold outside.........#thankyou


We were at our second home aka micky D's using their free wifi like usual, and we were sitting next to 2 older guys and one of them started swearing. I was about to ask him to stop when we looks over at me and sister cox and starts asking us about our iPads we were using. Then we started talking and told them about what we do and they said they would be interested to learn more about Christ!! I mean..they did causally happen to mention that one of them had just gotten out of jail the previous day.......
>>we're excited to teach them<<

Sister Cox was super sick.....she threw up like 5 times so we didn't go out at all on wednesday...i was so bored!! I studied, vacuumed, painted my nails, put dishes away, ate candy, texted kelly, cleaned and reorganized my desk, wrote a letter...and by the time i finished all of that it was only 11am! hahaha
I'll probably freak out with having so much free time when i get home from my mission...

My heaven .aka. AVEN JONES sent me the cutest package ever. Inside was a giraffe mug, M&Ms, and cute notes/letters from her and her mom.
I cut out things she wrote on the package and taped them to my wall next to my desk(:

ahhh my bro turned 18 last week!

I read such sick chapter in the book of mormon the other day.

>Alma 15<
Verse 17 really stuck out to me. It was talking about a "great check" and how people began to check themselves. realized their pride and humbled themselves.
We should check ourselves too!
Reflect on ourselves often and ask if this is where we want to be right now.
if not, make goals and plans to change.
if so, continue doing what you need to do!

We went to a less actives house and she was telling us about mozz sticks and lettuce and how good it was, soooo me and sister cox took it upon ourselves to see if she was right. haha we went and got mozz sticks with lettuce!
The guy comes out and was really nice and asked me what i like to do for fun...
PREACH about my man JC<3
missionary work, yeah!
He said he wanted to learn more about Christ because he doesn't know alot about Him.
Well sir, we can help you with that.

Me and sister cox are NOT getting transferred!
But BOTH the elders in our ward are!
Which means..........
we're taking over their area too!
We're going to be so busy
It's going to be awesome!!

hahahaha so we declared it APRIL FOOLS MONTH between us and Kelly
she pranked us so h.a.r.d.
Came home to our apartment and we see this gigantic
of like 300+ plastic cups
in front our door!!!
Best part that we quickly realized was that random ones were filled with
It took us a good 25 minutes to clean up/take down and
multiple water spillages
on the carpet occurred.

We met Stan and Rebecca who moved here from norristown.
helped them unpack on saturday.
One of the elders in our ward had actually previously taught them when he was in that area!
so cool
They both have been through
so it's been amazing to hear and see where they are today.
Their baptism date is
May 4th :)
They are amazing and totally prepared to get baptized.

"The gospel of Jesus Christ makes bad men good and good men better"

I love you(:

have a good week!!


count how many moose you see in this picture.

rockin it with kelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly (:

avens wall <3 

and being happy next to a brick wall haha

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