If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Through His Eyes

K I'm gonna be completely honest..this week was so


April fools day was fun because pranking is like my middle name(:
Pranked Kelly and told her BOTH me and sister cox were getting transferred. She believed us for about a couple mins but she's too smart and saw right though us haha. Then I pranked sister cox super good that night. We went on exchanges with our sister training leaders, I went to Doylestown, PA with sister shaia and sister cox stayed in our area with sister earl. The first thing I ask sister shaia when we get in the car is if she did any good pranks to her companion. Haha she said no. So we brainstormed and planned a sweet prank. We called sister earl and cox that night and said in a very serious/frantic voice that our apartment had gotten broken into, and that we needed to come back to Pottstown to spend the night their with them.
Hahahaha THEY BOUGHT IT. #blesstheirhearts. They were so concerned about us. Kept it going for like a good 5 minutes and then we busted up laughing and told them we were just joking :) hehe. I love pranking...#AprilFoolsMONTH

Sister shaia looks exactly like my little sister Delaney! So that was cool/kinda weird spending the day with her. They did something really cool for me and sister cox. When we got all back together they made us close our eyes and imagine our Savior Jesus Christ standing in front of us and looking at the prints of His hands. Talk about a #SpiritualDrooooop. The spirit in that room was so powerful/overwhelming. I could really picture it, and it felt very real. It made me cry!
I felt SO much love from my Heavenly Father right then and knew just how proud He was of me.

But yeah this week was pretty rough. It's so easy to get discouraged and frustrated..blahhhh. It's been really hard trying to find people to teach. Me and sister cox have seen SO MANY miracles together but it seems like nothing ever comes from them, which can be very discouraging, because we work so hard and it feels like we don't see a lot of success.
And idk if it's because I haven't seen the sun in like 10+days or what (it's been raining/cloudy for DAYZzzz) -_- but I just got super discouraged really easily this week. Some weeks are definitely better than others.

BUT..I know that's what satan wants. He wants us to be discouraged and to feel like we can't do it. So I just keep reminding myself of that and to keep pushing forward with faith. And to keep my knees down and my chin up!


General conference was so good. Like exactly what I needed after this week. Me and sister cox decided we would fast during the Sunday sessions. And literally every.single.talk. in the morning session answered all my questions and concerns. #spirit

Looking back..yeah this week was pretty rough haha..but I'm still so grateful and glad to be here in the east coast representing my Savior Jesus Christ!

Kelly called me a .n.e.r.d. because I finished quoting a scripture that was being said during conference. Which I found to be HILARIOUS, because before my mission I knew nothing about the scriptures lol. Now I guess I know he scriptures a little better :)
Oh and go ARIZONA<3 my homeeeee. 2 shoutout during general conference about the Gilbert temple. I was so happy to hear apostles talking about that.

I wanted to share some of the talks really stuck out to me. Uctdorf!!
His talk on gratitude. So brilliant, and inspired. I needed that. It's hard to be grateful when things are not going your way..I know I was not grateful for this past week...BUT..he pointed out we don't need to be grateful for things, just to be grateful IN those circumstances. Literally I have soooo many blessings, but they are hard to see when I focus on how crappy things seem #ChangeYourAttitudeSisterManson Look beyond the present day challenges and be grateful with your soul..not your eyes.

I reread one of my fav talks by elder holland called "the first and treated commandment" based off of john 21.
It talks about how just after Christ had been crucified, his apostles went back to doing what they were used to do-fishing. The resurrected Christ appears to them and gives them a super good talk helping them see what they're supposed to be doing. Christ asks Peter 3 times of he loves Him. Peter says yes!..You know I love you. Christ then says "then feed my sheep" and from elder Hollands talk, he expands on this putting it into his own words: "Peter if you love me..why are you here! Back to fishing when I called you to be an apostle? If I wanted to get fish peter, I could get fish. What I need peter(sistermanson/your name) are disciples. And I need them forever. Feed my sheep, save my lambs, preach my gospel, and defend my faith. This is not a feeble message, it's not a fleeting task, not hapless, or hopeless..it's the work of God" teach and testify, labor and serve loyally. "The crowing characteristic of love is always loyalty" are we going to remain loyal to and stand by our faith? Or will we just stand by the wayside with the world? Mosiah 9:18 "...go forth in His might" :)

Elder Perry said something that stuck out to me too, something along the lines of "we all have our unique pre-mortal story" I guess until now I have never really given much thought about the person I was when I was with Heavenly Father before coming here to earth. It's really cool to think about because the more I do, the more I feel my true potential of who Heavenly Father wants and knows I can become. And it's the same for all of us. Sometimes it's hard to see when the world today tries so hard to make us seem worthless or lousy. But the more I immerse myself in the scriptures and in prayer, the closer I get to seeing myself through His eyes. Aka, my true potential as a daughter of god. It's pretty cool and I hope anyone who reads this thinks about their potential.

We had a cool lesson with Lori. Shared my testimony about Joseph smith and the Book of Mormon . She said looking at sister cox "wow, look at her, she is beaming"
People can tell and feel the Holy Ghost through us as we share our testimonies.

I did the "I'm Freezing Cold" approach.

Hahaha here's what went down:

Knocked on loris door.
She answers and says she's in a lot of pain (aka don't come inside)
We started stalking about general conference, meanwhile....I'm freezing!! I purposefully did not put my coat on because I thought she would notice how cold I was and let us come inside(;
It's like 40degrees and I'm in a short sleeve t-shirt. -_- I'm chattering my little teeth and she finally looks at me and notices just how cold I am and tells us to come inside.

Hahahaha #We-In!!! Another successful door approach (:

Do everything you can do to just get IN the door. Because when you do, the spirit can just take over the lesson, but they will not have that opportunity if you do not get a chance to get inside the door.

Btw read a super cool chapter in alma. Go read it!! Alma 5

Have a good week! Transfer calls are Friday.....gross. Not really sure what will happen, but I'll tell you next week!
Love you(:

P.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROS frank, miah and spencer (: you guys are so old....
ahhh -_- crazy. And my mom told me frank is working on turning his MISSION papers in next week!! Ahhh so proud. (:

Kelly, After her first session of general conference! #sohappy

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