If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Good Mourning

clever title eh?

like "good morning" because it's a new start and mourning because I'm sadddd..
my time is up in pottstown. :( </3
I'm leaving!!!!!!!! I've been here for 6 months... a third of my mission!!
oh how time flies.. :( :(
I will let you guys all know where I am at next week.

haha i went up during sacrament and bore my testimony. I started off
"hi I'm sister Manson........and I'm wearing black today because I'm in mourning"

hahahah i thought it was funny.

This week was really good. Monday we went to philly with kelly and sis gasser. That was fun. The philly temple is going up fast! I am definitely coming back when it's open in another year or so.

Went on exchanges with sister bailey. she taught me how to parallel park. It took me a good 7 minutes......but I DID IT. haha

We had a really powerful meeting Thursday. All focused on the Spirit and how we can better recognize it and how our investigators can better recognize it. Then at the end, they showed us a slideshow of all of us. A picture of us BEFORE our missions and a picture of us during our missions. At the end he said
"The people who we WERE is not enough for what we are doing now"

and that's why I've been striving so hard to try to become and to change.
I love thinking about my pre-mish life. i talked alittle about this in my testimony too, of how church was just something I did and went to growing up. But since coming out here on my mission, I have really changed and it's becoming a part of WHO I am. not just something I do on sundays.

Missions change you(:
I'm so excited for my brother to come out and start his mission!
Don't get me wrong though...missions are so incredibly hard, and very trying, buttttt you get to help people come to find the truth, all the while strengthening your own testimony.
It's a win-win.

jessie one of our investigators came to church for the first time sunday! She had been coming to mutual like every week and has gotten really close to the young women. I really like working with the youth, especially the young women and helping them do missionary work, and being able to see them do it is really rewarding and special. Miracles happen when you start to involve the members.

my favorite thing in the world is during lessons when the people you're working with teach ME something. That's so powerful and very amazing. The spirit is awesome.

have a good week!
i love youuu

The gospel makes us happy  — with Rebecca Smith.

Goodbye Pottstown! Just a few of the great people I've met since serving here

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