So many good things are happening here in little
First of all...I love it here so much! Me and sister wright are
killing it together.
Second of all...we are finding and talking to so many neat and unique
individuals. It's amazing.
I've only been here for 13 days and I've seen so many miracles! It's
This is probably by far my favorite transfer.
On Wednesday we had planned to stop by our investigators for like a
quick 10 minutes, just to say hi and see how they're doing. Ended up spending an
hour there! Showed 2 short Mormon messages about the Spirit with them and they
loved it! Talked about its role and then somehow the convo got turned into
talking about what happens after we die.the spirit was strong! One of
them started to cry..because his dad had passed away. They found a lot of
comfort in what we had to say and our testimonies about the plan of
One of our investigators is in Germany for the summer, so we've been
communicating with her via email and skype! The missionaries there are in
contact with her so that's pretty cool too.
Thursday was a h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e day.
District meeting...then planned for like 5 hours and then had an
appointment with another of our investigators and the spirit was so not there.
And instantly knew while we were talking that she wasn't really listening and
didn't care. We both got really tongue-tied and that experience helped me
realize that I cannot teach without the spirit!! But our night ended good
because sister menlove randomly called us (she's our sister training
leader--we're assigned 2 sisters who are over us and check up on us) and hearing
her voice made me so happy because I love her so much! Me and her get to be
companions again for a whole day on Wednesday this week :) SO HAPPY. She's one
of my fav people(:
**guarantee so many good things will come from that**
That next morning I read the most amazing-est talk I've ever
"The Quest for Joy" by Barbara Workman
I would like to ask all y'all to read this!!!!!!! Here's the linkkk
It's amazing and helped me so much especially since having a lame day
the day before. Probs gonna read that at least once every week or 2 to remind
myself to choose joy.
Here's one of the many quotes I loved:
"These four terms often describe a mission: sufferings, sorrows,
afflictions, and incomprehensible joy."
Hahahaha....oh man. So TRUE. Serving a mission is so hard. Like
honestly probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my little 20 years of
life. But it's been the most rewarding experiences of my life. I can't really
describe how full my heart is when somebody accepts the message we're teaching
and knows it's true..
in other words alma 26:11 " joy is full, yea, my heart is BRIM
with joy" :)
We extended 3 baptism invites and they all excepted! September
The work is so ready and just waiting for us!
Saturday....met the sweetest man ever. His name is zach. He's had a
rough history the past couple months..and as I was looking at him I found myself
starting to tear up! Haha I'm so weird..I know. But just as I was looking at him
he looked a lot like my brother Frank (just an older scruffier version of him)
and oh it just broke my heart! To basically see my brother like that, which
reminded me that zach is my brother--spiritually speaking--ALL these people are.
It hit me really hard talking to him. And totally changes my perspective and
helps remind me that I would do e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. In my power to help if one
of my family members were struggling like that and didn't know about the
Had a lesson with a less active member who is recovering from breast
cancer. Her sister(not a member) was there and had SO MANY questions. Literally
everything she was saying was exactly what we believed. And all of her questions
we could answer :)
Infant baptism?-----> #Moroni8
Why so many churches?----->#JosephSmith
What happens after we die?--->#PlanOfSalvation
Why do I feel good right now?--->#TheHolyGhost!!!
What is the Book of
We invited her to be baptized(: and she's coming to church next
Afterwards me and sister wright RUN to the car, jumping around for
JOY. hahaha so much happiness.
"Men are that they might have joy(2nephi2:25)...missionaries are that
they might SHARE joy"
(Also taken from the quest for joy talk)
Sunday was a pretty rough day...but that's okay! We were driving
around and accidentally missed a turn and ended up right by the Delaware River.
And it was so pretty because you could see the city Trenton, New Jersey from
where we were. I was like uhhh sister wright I'm pulling over! So I pulled over
and we hopped out of the car and walked by the river and sat down on a bench for
a good 15 minutes. Being outside in nature automatically makes me feel better!
As we sat down on the bench a man walked past us and we said hello and asked
where he lives and he said Trenton and kept walking. About 5 mins later he
walked back and said "I'm still here" hahahah we leagues and he asked what we
were doing...
uhhh we're having a crappy day so we are here :) haha
He had so many questions! About the church and Joseph smith and what
he needed to do to join the church. He's from Ethiopia and a super humble man.
We got his info and are going to let the missionaries in Trenton know and help
them meet with him (since he actually lives outside our mission boundary)
basicallyyyyyyyy he's going to be baptized. We gave him a Book of Mormon and
taught him the restoration by the river. Greatest lesson ever. And he went on
It's so h.u.m.b.l.i.n.g to know that Heavenly Father worked through
us to find him. And to top it off I was pretty content and happy just being
outside looking at the river and started to feel better..then Heavenly Father
provided that experience to happen!! Totally helped me to know and feel that
Heavenly Father was proud of me and knows me so well. Testimony builder..I am so
grateful to be here serving the people here!
Put those bad days behind ya and seek and choose joy :)
Have a good week
I love you!
Sister Manson
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Fishy |
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