If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, September 8, 2014

365 Days Later

Kathie is getting baptized September 14(:
Super happy for her, she is so funny and full of energy. She knows the church is true.
Do you remember Kathie? She was the one who called up the bishop and said she investigated the church years ago and wasn't ready then...but is ready now! We've been meeting with her every week and she is going to be a member of the church! She told us the story of how she got the bishops number. She called the church headquarters in SALT LAKE! Haha and talked to the people there asking them how to find the missionaries here. She doesn't mess around(: I will send pictures of it next pday.

We had a really good zone training and one of our sister training leaders shared one of newest favorite quotes!!

"Some people I have had the privilege of working with over the years have had a hard time reconciling the fact that healing requires suffering and yet is a gift from our Savior. How is it that a loving God would allow us to suffer? I have come to realize that my Savior cares more about my growth than He does about my comfort. One evidence of His love is that He does not spare me from the suffering I need for my development and progression, even when I get mad at Him. As a client once told me, “I used to feel guilty for getting mad at God. Then I realized He can handle it.” - Jonathan G. Sandberg, Healing = Courage + Action + Grace"


A.m.a.z.i.n.g. Huh?

Reminds me of another quoteeeeee:
---There's no comfort in the growth zone and theirs no growth in the comfort zone.

I think that pretty much sums up this past year of my mission. 365 days of growinnn.

I have done things this past year that have made me very very very uncomfortable, and nervous and scared, but because of doing those things I've been able to grow so much.

I'm like a plant! Haha

{Its all about our growth}

That's basically what life comes down to. Are we growing? Are we becoming better then who we were yesterday? If yes, continue on! If not..make the uncomfortable changes and start. Look for the areas in your life in which you can improve on and grow in. It could be anything. You are never just stagnant in life--you are either moving forward or slipping backwards.

I love being a missionary way too much, I will probably cry for a couple weeks when I go home...you all will have to help me adjust into the normmm but we can worry about that later(: like in February.

Fast Sundays are always the best. Just what I need(: a spiritual boost for sure.

I know Jesus Christ lives! My testimony of Him deepens of him and Heavenly Father the more I study and the more I pray(:

Have a good week!

We have something pretty awesome coming up this week.
A mission tour!
One of the members of the 2nd quorem of 70, Elder Wilford W. Anderson, will be here for this week and we are all meeting together and going to listen to him speak! I will take good detailed notes and share them with you next pday.



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