If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, September 22, 2014

SAVOR of men

Ahhh hello
it's week 6 already?
(Last week of the transfer)
We'll find out Friday what changes if any are made.

We got flipped off by some hooligans in their car because I almost might of accidentally slightly cut them off...........it was still RUDE of them.
Then we got lost trying to find an apartment complex. I get lost so easily out here it's ridiculous haha.

Cute ole little town of YARDLEY has what they call
"Harvest Day" it's this HUGE event in the town and people come and walk around and look at booths people set up. A cute little crafty welcoming fall fair type thing going on. We wondered around looking for opportunities to do some service and we found this old church/library building. We asked if we could help and she said yes actually, right now! So we handed out cookies and drinks to people coming in. One of the guy workers asked us 100 questions about the church and the Book of Mormon, so that was cool to answer. He said he lives within walking distance of our church building!!! Perfecttttt.

I love being a missionary. Some days are just plain right hard and it's easy to get alittle discouraged, but then you have awesome spiritually high days which make up for it all.

Thinking back on my mission thus far...I've hard some real crappy days, but the thing is I can hardly remember any of the details I just know that I've had them haha. But I do KNOW and REMEMBER all of the great spiritual miracle days. :) so I always remind myself to forget about the bad days and move on to the good ones.

Good note: Kathie and Carmelina are getting baptized saturday(: they both have made so many changes and it's so humbling to see it and hear them talk about it! They are so special and make me want to be better. We are taking Kathie down to the temple site in philly on Friday :) super excited for that.

Me and sister hall are doing this thing where we read a conference talk from any conference issue and read it together :) to prep for conference coming up in October!!! We're so excited.
General conference is like Christmas for us missionaries. I'm not joking. I LOVE IT. <3

One of the talks we read this week was called
"salt of the earth: Savors of men and Saviors of men"

Uhmmm please everybody go and read it.
I'm now obsessed with salt.
Don't wanna ruin the talk, but I'll sum it up mostly.

Quotes the scriptures where it says that we are the salt of the earth, and how it is useless when it looses its savor (taste/flavor)
He pointed out HOW salt looses its savor. And it's NOT by age. It looses it by contamination. By being mixed with other things...

Now I want y'all to think deep and hard and apply that to you(:
Do not get mixed up in the ways of the ever changing current/flow of the world.

A newly found quote GEM:

"Before my eyes had occurred a metamorphosis--the transformation of a hideous beetle into a gorgeous dragonfly. … I had witnessed … a miracle. Out of the mud had come a beautiful new life. And the thought came to me that if the Creator works such wonders with the lowliest of creatures, what may not be in store for the human spirit!”"
(J. Clarke--The Lord of Life)

Love the last line.

Heavenly Father can change us. "The gospel of Jesus Christ makes bad men good and good men better". I've seen this LIVED and applied in the investigators and members lives as well as my own.

Share the gospel with everyone!
Be desperate to share it.
I love you(:

Sister Manson 

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