If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, September 15, 2014

Soul Knowledge

Uhh...craziest week of my mission for sure.

Here's what went dowwwwwwn:
1. Very good and relaxing fun pday
2. Went on exchanges in Philly with our sister training leaders
(We got to handout cookies to the temple workers who are building the temple!)
3. Mission tour(: spiritual boost for dayz
4. District meeting
5. Dropped our investigator Lydia...(stopped meeting and our lessons with her)
6. Sister Wright gets a phone call from the Assistant Presidents and
is given the news of being EMERGENCY TRANSFERRED. Found out Saturday
evening and has to pack and leave Sunday night. (A sister missionary
was going home early so they needed to move sisters around)
7. We attended a funeral
8. Went to a catholic mass with one of our investigators
9. Kathie didn't get baptized
10. Dropped sister wright off :(


I am pretty sad about sister wright leaving...
But the transfer is almost over anyways (2 more weeks) and we were
assuming she would be the one to go. She is up in Scranton, PA now (:
Now it's just me and sister hall running loose in morrisville :)

Our mission tour was sweet. We were the first group of missionaries in
our mission to meet with Elder Willford Andersen. Him and his wife
spoke as well as our mission president, President Anderson and his
wife :) PARTY with the Anderson's haha.

Something elder Andersen said struck me really hard. He was saying how
a lot of people don't really care who he was and what he did in his
life, and wanted us to remember WHO he represents. Jesus Christ. He
also went on to explain how as being called to be in the second quorum
of the 70, he was to be a special witness of Christ.

We talked about 3 different knowledges

1. Head Knowledge
---information, 5 senses, learn while we study etc..
2. Heart Knowledge
---inviting the spirit to teach us, helps us gain a desire and motivation
3. Soul Knowledge
---prACTice. All about becoming and doing.

And how important they all are into leading us to being converted in
the gospel.

A good example of this in the scriptures is Alma 10:4-6
"I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know. Therefore I
went on rebelling"
Amulek has the head knowledge, he KNEW, but he didn't have a desire to
act and do to KNOW.

It's a good self check and also to know this in order to help our
True change and conversion comes when all 3 knowledges are present and
happening regularly. I can do all I can to teach and give people
information about let's say for example The Word of Wisdom and what it
is and what it means, but I can't expect them to change and live it if
they have not yet experienced it in their heart and soul by feeling
the spirit.

Gooooooood stuff. Idk if that made sense to you all but it does to me(:

So Kathie is getting baptized on September 27! Same day as Carmelina.

These two are ON FIRE. It's amazing to watch and experience the
changes they go through and the almost IMMEDIATE blessings they
receive from it.

All I can say is the church is true. And will be forever and everrrr.
And nothing will change that. The worlds view and standards seem to
change daily! I love the consistency and the solidness of the church
in my life.

Have a great week(:
Love sister manson

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