If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, December 29, 2014


This week was a blurrrrrrr

We did so many things! We're always running around haha.

Tuesday we had our Christmas conference.

Ah-mazing as expected.

We watched 17 miracles and I pretty much cried the whole time.
If you haven't watched it, watch it!! It's all about the pioneers and
the difficult times they faced as they made their way across the
plains. I felt the spirit really strong as I watched it. Something I
thought about was why Heavenly Father made it so incredibly difficult
for them to come west. He could have made it really easy for them..but
he did not. Only until they had done all they could, and prayed was
when the miracles happened. When they were able to keep moving
forward. I learned a lot about the power of prayer. That's probably
the MOST important and biggest thing I learned from my mission is how
powerful real sincere prayers can be. Also learned how many people are
always with me while I'm out here on my mission. Sister Nielsen
(apostle elder nielson's wife) once said

"there are more people on the other side of the veil ROOTING for you,
than there are on this side"

powerful right??

Right. There's Angels and especially our ancestors and loved ones
who've passed away here with us helping us. Imagine how much we would
change if we could see them all! I'd never be scared or worried again
haha. But that's where faith comes in.

Christmas was good. Loved seeing all you guys! Thank you for all the
letters and fun presents & packages.

We spent most of our time with the members here. And it was very
special and a Christmas I won't forget! A lot of people here don't
have that much, so it was a very sweet spirit we felt as we talked
more about Christ than presents.

Saturday was a very special day as well because we had MLC (mission
leadership council)
Where all the zone leaders, the sister training leaders, come together
with the APs and our mission president and talk about the things going
on in the mission and are trained on what to take back to the
missionaries we're over.
We learned incredible things!! Me and sister Bennett get to train at
zone training this Thursday up in pennypack and 2 sets of the sisters
we cover are in that zone
(Sisters Handy, Gerber, Bailey & Cost)
We'll be talking about the commitment pattern and how we can better
leave commitments in our lessons. We're going to share Peter's account
in Acts 3:1-8
One of my favorites. I'm obsessed with peter
The rest of the zone training will be on our purpose as missionaries
and the doctrine/gospel of Jesus Christ and how they help us use the
atonement. Ahhh so good!!
Faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.
We are pretty close to all the sisters we cover as STLs and some of
them are struggling big time and it breaks me! But good things are
going to happen and this zone training I know will be answers to their
I'll be sure to share my notes and thoughts next week.

Speaking of next week....2015!!!?

What the...not sure where 2014 went, feels like it just started, I
still think it's like August over here haha. #missiontimeprobs

I don't have any New Years resolutions other than to keep up all these
great things I'm learning after I go home from my mission.

I love you all so much and hope you'll have a good week and a happy
start to 2015!

Hugs from Sister Manson

Monday, December 22, 2014

Spiritually led

Last week was so good
And this week will be even better!!
Here's what we have planned this week:
Tomorrow we are having our Christmas mission conference and a talent show.
(Me and sister Bennett are sharing a few tricks we've learned from the
streets of philly haha we are going to step dance! Oh it sounds really
cool when we do it, while sister cox songs a Christmas carol. It'll be
great haha)
Then Christmas Thursday--face timing the family! YAY!
Not sure if I'll get to see/talk to frank though
Then we have mission leadership council all day Saturday.
So many good spiritual things happening!
I'm really excited.
But last week: here's what went down

Last Monday we caromed as a stake in the city! So much fun we were
handing out passalong he is the gift cards like crazzzzy.
My study of faith in the Book of Mormon has been amazing, I learn so much!
We saw Tatyana Tuesday. She said the closing prayer and started to cry.
First time she's ever really said a prayer. The spirit was strong.
Sister chang is going through the temple for her endowments January 31!!!
Me and sister Bennett will be going with her :)
The Washington, D.C. Temple. Oh it will be a glorious heavenly day.
I miss the temple and being inside one.

So I had a really cool experience as I was thinking in the car.
I saw a picture of a sister missionary from this mission who just went
home and she posted a picture of her and her brother hugging each
other and they were both crying. It stirred a lot of emotion in me as
I thought about all of you! I really will be so happy to see and give
hugs to everyone. But on another level I thought about how it will be
to go home-home..when we see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I
felt the spirit so strong! I felt so much love from Heavenly Father as
I sat pondering these thoughts. (That's something sister Bennett has
taught me..to be good at pondering)
Next we were miraculously led to mackenza. She's amazing. We stopped
by to see her brother who's a less active member. He wasn't there but
she was and their grandma. Our thoughts were to share and talk about
Christmas and the true meaning. But randomly during the opening
prayer..I had the thought to thank Heavenly Father for eternal
families and knowing we can be with our loved ones after they die. So
I said it and finished my prayer. A few monuments later, their cute
old grandma shares how mackenza's grandfather on their dads side in
Arizona passed away THAT MORNING. Talk about direct spiritual leading
going on...we were totally led to them.
We bore our testimonies and the spirit was very present. Mackenza is
not a member and we are going to see her again soon!

Super good district meeting all on the Book of Mormon and just how
important it is. Sometimes I think we totally take it for granted and
don't use it to the fullest. My testimony was strengthened in the Book
of Mormon. I know it's true.

It doesn't really feel like Christmas here. It's kinda cold but no snow.
Saturday was freeeeeezing. The windchill makes it like 7degrees it
feels like haha.
We were debating on walking or driving to our next plans. I wanted to
drive...cuz I was so cold but we decided to just walk. Best choice
ever. Saw 2 tender mercy miracles :)
Met Darlene! I had literally said a prayer about 1 minute in my heart
before we saw her just praying to have an opportunity to bear my
testimony and be lead to prepared people.
Darlene was raking her leaves and we stopped and asked if we could
help. She of course said no but we started talking and she had met
missionaries before. Also she shared how it was really funny because
she had been talking with her FAMILY that she wants to find a new
church start of the new year, hahaha DONE!! Check. Here ya go(:

We're seeing her again tomorrow.

Then we met Roselyn later that day. She had met with missionaries a
lot....14 YEARS AGO!
But she moved and lost touch. And then we found her :) as she was
walking home. She wanted to come inside right then and talk to her
more. Haha so we were like SURE!! Showed her henis the gift and gave
her a Book of Mormon. She is looking for peace in her life and we
promised she would find it.

Heavenly Father totally led us to 2 very prepared people. So happy and
excited to be here.
I love philadelphia and being a missionary.

I love you!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Good Things Are Happening

Uhh I am very upset...It's halfway through December? Hahaha what the..
Christmas is like next week then it's 2015!

Sooo i have been starting to have small panic attacks about coming
home..I have like 12 weeks left on my mission. That is NOT okay. I'm
happy to see everyone because I really miss you guys haha....but
that's about all I'm excited for.
When we FaceTime each other on Christmas we need to have a real
serious talk about what I'm gonna do when I get home so I don't freak
out haha...because I am starting to.

My mission seriously means everything to me and I am not ready to go.
But I have been thinking about about these next 2 transfers I have on
my mission and I have some really good goals and plans and things I
want to do. I am going to do another Book of Mormon challenge because
I love it so much. I have a clean mini red Book of Mormon that I am
going to read 11 chapters a day to finish by January 9. I am
highlighting yellow for christ and blue for faith. I really want to
stay more about having faith in Jesus Christ and what that truly
means. I only got to chapter 4 today of 1 nephi....but oh man I have
learned so much already and felt the spirit very strong teaching and
helping me strengthen my faith.
Something that I struggle a lot with is my confidence.
And that is something I have been studying recently along with faith and hope.
Sister Bennett and I always have really good conversations about these topics :)

I found something super sweet in my studies this week.
But remember my #belikethemoon motto? I learned a new meaning for it.
I was studying confidence and I found this scripture
D&C 121:45 "..let they confidence WAX STRONG in the presence of God"
super cool right, but I had no idea what the heck the word "wax"
meant..so I defined it.
it means to increase in size--like how the moon waxes into a full moon!
Something to point out is that when the moon waxes it does it
gradually..not all at once.
So that is something I am going to remember now when I look at the
moon: to try to wax brighter in my confidence & shine bright. And to
not let myself wane(another moon term for the opposite effect)

#belikethemoon--ah I love it.
Also as we have charity and faith our confidence waxes strong.

A couple weeks ago I wrote about a girl named Tatyana. Do you remember
her? ((We met her and invited her to come to church but we got there
to ride the subway with her and she wasn't there but we were able to
meet dasse at the subway instead miraculously! -That's a brief summary
of her))

Well accidentally we stopped by her house again Saturday. A less
active member used to live there and we forgot to make note of that so
we stopped by again but remembered that's where Tatyana lived so we
were like sweet! We knock on the door and she was there! She is so
sweet and we showed her "he is the gift" and she loved it. Also gave
her the Book of Mormon and she is going to read it and we're meeting
with her again Tuesday.


I just love how Heavenly Father works(:
I also have a goal to write in my journal everyday..sooo hold me
accountable to that.

I hope everyone is having a good CHRISTmas season
Don't get caught up in the craziness of it all.
remember He is the gift.

I love you!!
Sister Manson

Monday, December 8, 2014

Spiritual gifts 101


Um it's almost Christmas...haha what the.

We had such a good week.

I'm grateful for Heavenly Father allowing me to struggle and feel alittle inadequate because it always helps remind me to turn to him.

That's how I would sum up this past week.

Fast Sunday's are always just what I need. I was also fasting for things I can be doing more or better at. I had the thought to really study and dive into Christ's life and get to really know Him better, I felt like I strayed abit and got caught up in other gospel principles. During relief society the lesson was ALL about christ and how we can better know Him. I was like whoa! Perfect, thanks Heavenly Father for helping me get started.

Sister Bennett is seriously the best. I hope we will be together for her last transfer.
We taught for zone training about spiritual gifts and our hearts. It was awesome. Spirit was strong and a lot of the missionaries came up afterwards and thanked us a lot for it.
We have all been blessed with spiritual gifts!
Here's a tid bit of what we shared.

"Let us review some of these less-conspicuous gifts: the gift of asking; the gift of listening; the gift of hearing and using a still, small voice; the gift of being able to weep; the gift of avoiding contention; the gift of being agreeable; the gift of avoiding vain repetition; the gift of seeking that which is righteous; the gift of not passing judgment; the gift of looking to God for guidance; the gift of being a disciple; the gift of caring for others; the gift of being able to ponder; the gift of offering prayer; the gift of bearing a mighty testimony; and the gift of receiving the Holy Ghost"
The unexamined life is not worth living” (“Apology,” The Dialogues of Plato, trans. Benjamin Jowett, Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952, p. 210). It is up to each of us to search for and build upon the gifts which God has given us" (Marvin j Ashton)
A prerequisite for seeking after the gifts of the spirit may require that we find out which gifts we already have been given."
Read your patriarchal blessing and identify your spiritual gifts you already have and seek more!

Sis Bennett came up with this goal of inviting seriously 100 people to be baptized this week. About 15 everyday.
At first I was like.....uhhhh okay. But The more she kept talking about it the more excited I got and was able to feel the spirit.
Today is our first day, it's our preparation day and barely 3pm and we already shared alittle about the restoration and invited 4 people to be baptized!!
It's amazing what happens when you're desperate president.

One last thing, my zone leaders in my last area promised us that if we were to bare our testimony about Jesus Christ, we'd find a family to teach. I love "He is the Gift" so much because it is a good reminder to do so. And as we have done that and talked to a lot of people, sister Bennett and I have been able to find 2 families! Work is picking up. I am grateful for the
"he is the gift" many miracles around the world in every mission are happening I bet. We're seeing them later today!

Read this talk of you have time...saved and changed my life.
"What it means to know christ"
September ensign 1974

I love you!
Sister Manson

Ice tea a stranger gave us....hahaha 

It was a long day...haha

Friday, December 5, 2014

I'm grateful for YOU.

Uhh it's December? What the...

Here's my gratitude list I promised. No particular order except the first three:

1 Jesus Christ
2 My mission--Seriously means everything to me & has changed my life
3 Alma 26:27
4 Mountains
5 Family history
6 The restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ
7 Not having to look both ways on a one way streets
8 Chinese food...aka fortune cookies
9 Chinese people
10 Living in the city
11 Riding the subway
12 Gum
13 A companion who knows how to drive in the snow
14 David Archuleta singing "Glorious" from "Meet the Mormons"
15 Companions who help my grammar
16 My mission president
17 Guidance from them Holy Ghost
18 Light
19 General Conference
20 My family
21 Kinder chocolate from Germany
22 Listening to others play the piano & sing
23 Feeling the Spirit because of that
24 Repentance
25 Raking leaves
26 Ugly-thrift-store-below-the-knee missionary skirts
27 Whenever my companions hold me back from stepping into the road when a car's coming
28 Flossers
29 Painting with water colors
30 Salt
31 People sharing their testimonies to me
32 Morrisville, PA
33 Swimming laps in a pool
34 Pretzels
35 Folk style hymns
36 All my missionary buddies: Elder Manson, Hermana Jones, Hermana Harper, Elder Lewis, Sister Steadman, Sister Menlove, Sister Cox, Sister Bailey, Sister Handy, Sister Wright, Sister Holt, Sister Winters, Sister Ririe, Sister Wiser, Sister Cost, Sister Bennett.
37 Chocolate chip cookies
38 Joseph & Emma Smith
39 Sacred experiences with my fellow sister missionaries..the spirit of discernment is real.
40 The Place family
41 The sun
42 The moon
43 The stars
45 Missionary humor
46 Sisters who actually do their visiting teaching
47 Hearing what other people are grateful for
48 Heated seats in the car
49 Water/Amusement parks
50 My nametag
51 The number 100
52 Giraffes
53 Actually..all God's creatures-except spiders
54 Prayers
55 Going to the Chatfields for dinner every single week
56 Sister Chatfield using sour cream in everything
57 How the gospel can make bad men good & good men better #davidomckay
58 Not statues
59 Peter the Apostle
60 Sushi
61 Pottstown, PA
62 Sketchy places to eat
63 Priesthood blessings
64 Pizzapizzapizzapizza
65 Cat jokes---> what do you call a pile of cats??***
66 The many cultures here in Pennsylvania
67 Cemeteries
68 Running shoes
69 Hope
70 Curry
71 Scripture language---> notwithstanding, nevertheless, for behold, and it came to pass
72 The many murals on the sides of buildings
73 Mailmen
74 Sunflowers
75 Mesa, Arizona Temple
76 "Mormon Messages"
77 Trains
78 Balloons
79 Being able to share the gospel on Facebook
80 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Temple
81 BYU-Idaho
82 Preach My Gospel
83 Pretty tape
84 My kazoo
85 Kathie & Carmelina
86 Rainy days
87 The color green
88 The hymn "Ye Who Are Called to Labor" sung to the tune of "If You Could Hie to Kolob"
89 My glasses
90 Bishops & Stake Presidents
91 Oreos
92 Girls Camp
93 Philly slaaaaang "actin outta pocket"
94 Parallel parking
95 Beanies/warm hats
96 Turning out
97 Tithing
98 Sacrifices from previous generations of the church
99 Service
100 Patience from Heavenly Father with me

*** A MEOWntain

Hahah so funny.
Okay weeks just keep getting better and better here in this city.
We washed and vacuumed our car today at a super ghetto car wash place...I applied hand sanitizer immediately following it.

We had a good thanksgiving! Went over to the tabers and made pies and had a brunch, then saw some other Ward members.

 Went on exchanges this week with sister cox and sister winters. It was so cool being with sister cox again, it just felt like we were companions(: we teach really well together and we found this awesome and prepared woman who they are now going to start teaching. We taught the restoration and she shared how we were meant to be there that day because the day before her brother in law passed away, and she felt the spirit so strong! Sister winters is adorable. She is a brand new missionary and is just on fire about sharing the gospel! I felt bad though, it's her frist exchange and 2 people like flat out yelled at us when we tried talking to them...haha whatever though! The church is true and that's all that matters.
I hope you have seen "he is the gift" video that the church has put out. Me and sister Bennett found 4 new investigators last night from showing it and giving them that opportunity to feel the spirit. So incredible too because throughout the whole day we shared it and people were not having it! Didn't want to talk to us and were rude..but then the last people we talk to, these 4 girls Watched and wanted us to come back. <---- this is why I'm here to find those people who need the gospel. There are a lot of crazies here in Philly, but as me and sister Bennett are being literally DESPERATE to share the gospel Heavenly Father guides us to people who need us and need Him.

We had a missionary leadership council and I saw sister steadman, sister menlove, and sister Howard , sister ricks and sister Clark also. Like all of my favorite people :) we talked about really good things! About our hearts how they can be hard, soft, turned, changed, past feeling, how Heavenly Father looks at our hearts and spiritual gifts and some other things like family history and the temple. Me and sister Bennett are going to be training our entire zone about hearts and spiritual gifts. Keep me in your prayers I can teach well to these awesome missionaries haha.

It snowed alittle, but not much. I'm lucky here in the city it's like way behind winter schedule! Haha Heavenly Father loves me. It's like 60 degrees right now. But throughout the week it was like in the 30s..coooooold.

I haven't gotten sick yet! Yay and I don't plan on it

I love you! I'm going on exchange this week with sister Bailey and sister petrick. I'm excited!
I have been praying and studying about the gift of discernment, and Heavenly Father has totally hooked me up, because I am able to say things that are exactly what each of these sisters need to hear. It's quite humbling to see the lord work through and use me, little ol sister Manson.

Have a good week! Go watch he is the gift video! Share it and think of ways how you can better discover, embrace and share that great gift of our savior Jesus Christ.
