If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, December 29, 2014


This week was a blurrrrrrr

We did so many things! We're always running around haha.

Tuesday we had our Christmas conference.

Ah-mazing as expected.

We watched 17 miracles and I pretty much cried the whole time.
If you haven't watched it, watch it!! It's all about the pioneers and
the difficult times they faced as they made their way across the
plains. I felt the spirit really strong as I watched it. Something I
thought about was why Heavenly Father made it so incredibly difficult
for them to come west. He could have made it really easy for them..but
he did not. Only until they had done all they could, and prayed was
when the miracles happened. When they were able to keep moving
forward. I learned a lot about the power of prayer. That's probably
the MOST important and biggest thing I learned from my mission is how
powerful real sincere prayers can be. Also learned how many people are
always with me while I'm out here on my mission. Sister Nielsen
(apostle elder nielson's wife) once said

"there are more people on the other side of the veil ROOTING for you,
than there are on this side"

powerful right??

Right. There's Angels and especially our ancestors and loved ones
who've passed away here with us helping us. Imagine how much we would
change if we could see them all! I'd never be scared or worried again
haha. But that's where faith comes in.

Christmas was good. Loved seeing all you guys! Thank you for all the
letters and fun presents & packages.

We spent most of our time with the members here. And it was very
special and a Christmas I won't forget! A lot of people here don't
have that much, so it was a very sweet spirit we felt as we talked
more about Christ than presents.

Saturday was a very special day as well because we had MLC (mission
leadership council)
Where all the zone leaders, the sister training leaders, come together
with the APs and our mission president and talk about the things going
on in the mission and are trained on what to take back to the
missionaries we're over.
We learned incredible things!! Me and sister Bennett get to train at
zone training this Thursday up in pennypack and 2 sets of the sisters
we cover are in that zone
(Sisters Handy, Gerber, Bailey & Cost)
We'll be talking about the commitment pattern and how we can better
leave commitments in our lessons. We're going to share Peter's account
in Acts 3:1-8
One of my favorites. I'm obsessed with peter
The rest of the zone training will be on our purpose as missionaries
and the doctrine/gospel of Jesus Christ and how they help us use the
atonement. Ahhh so good!!
Faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.
We are pretty close to all the sisters we cover as STLs and some of
them are struggling big time and it breaks me! But good things are
going to happen and this zone training I know will be answers to their
I'll be sure to share my notes and thoughts next week.

Speaking of next week....2015!!!?

What the...not sure where 2014 went, feels like it just started, I
still think it's like August over here haha. #missiontimeprobs

I don't have any New Years resolutions other than to keep up all these
great things I'm learning after I go home from my mission.

I love you all so much and hope you'll have a good week and a happy
start to 2015!

Hugs from Sister Manson

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