If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work. {Come Unto Christ}

Monday, December 22, 2014

Spiritually led

Last week was so good
And this week will be even better!!
Here's what we have planned this week:
Tomorrow we are having our Christmas mission conference and a talent show.
(Me and sister Bennett are sharing a few tricks we've learned from the
streets of philly haha we are going to step dance! Oh it sounds really
cool when we do it, while sister cox songs a Christmas carol. It'll be
great haha)
Then Christmas Thursday--face timing the family! YAY!
Not sure if I'll get to see/talk to frank though
Then we have mission leadership council all day Saturday.
So many good spiritual things happening!
I'm really excited.
But last week: here's what went down

Last Monday we caromed as a stake in the city! So much fun we were
handing out passalong he is the gift cards like crazzzzy.
My study of faith in the Book of Mormon has been amazing, I learn so much!
We saw Tatyana Tuesday. She said the closing prayer and started to cry.
First time she's ever really said a prayer. The spirit was strong.
Sister chang is going through the temple for her endowments January 31!!!
Me and sister Bennett will be going with her :)
The Washington, D.C. Temple. Oh it will be a glorious heavenly day.
I miss the temple and being inside one.

So I had a really cool experience as I was thinking in the car.
I saw a picture of a sister missionary from this mission who just went
home and she posted a picture of her and her brother hugging each
other and they were both crying. It stirred a lot of emotion in me as
I thought about all of you! I really will be so happy to see and give
hugs to everyone. But on another level I thought about how it will be
to go home-home..when we see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I
felt the spirit so strong! I felt so much love from Heavenly Father as
I sat pondering these thoughts. (That's something sister Bennett has
taught me..to be good at pondering)
Next we were miraculously led to mackenza. She's amazing. We stopped
by to see her brother who's a less active member. He wasn't there but
she was and their grandma. Our thoughts were to share and talk about
Christmas and the true meaning. But randomly during the opening
prayer..I had the thought to thank Heavenly Father for eternal
families and knowing we can be with our loved ones after they die. So
I said it and finished my prayer. A few monuments later, their cute
old grandma shares how mackenza's grandfather on their dads side in
Arizona passed away THAT MORNING. Talk about direct spiritual leading
going on...we were totally led to them.
We bore our testimonies and the spirit was very present. Mackenza is
not a member and we are going to see her again soon!

Super good district meeting all on the Book of Mormon and just how
important it is. Sometimes I think we totally take it for granted and
don't use it to the fullest. My testimony was strengthened in the Book
of Mormon. I know it's true.

It doesn't really feel like Christmas here. It's kinda cold but no snow.
Saturday was freeeeeezing. The windchill makes it like 7degrees it
feels like haha.
We were debating on walking or driving to our next plans. I wanted to
drive...cuz I was so cold but we decided to just walk. Best choice
ever. Saw 2 tender mercy miracles :)
Met Darlene! I had literally said a prayer about 1 minute in my heart
before we saw her just praying to have an opportunity to bear my
testimony and be lead to prepared people.
Darlene was raking her leaves and we stopped and asked if we could
help. She of course said no but we started talking and she had met
missionaries before. Also she shared how it was really funny because
she had been talking with her FAMILY that she wants to find a new
church start of the new year, hahaha DONE!! Check. Here ya go(:

We're seeing her again tomorrow.

Then we met Roselyn later that day. She had met with missionaries a
lot....14 YEARS AGO!
But she moved and lost touch. And then we found her :) as she was
walking home. She wanted to come inside right then and talk to her
more. Haha so we were like SURE!! Showed her henis the gift and gave
her a Book of Mormon. She is looking for peace in her life and we
promised she would find it.

Heavenly Father totally led us to 2 very prepared people. So happy and
excited to be here.
I love philadelphia and being a missionary.

I love you!

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